The Shadowsinger

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Two years and three months. I've been hiding for two years and three months. My father had heard of what happened, and had sent people out to find me, even put a price over my head. He wanted me dead or alive, at least that was what the wanted poster said.

I was holding my own wanted poster. I'm sure the whole of Prythian had heard of my running from home, since my father was a well known merchant and had even given High Lord of the Day Court a now family heirloom. Not that they cared about me, but I'm sure someone was looking for me. And I hated that.

I tore the poster into shreds, throwing them in the wastebin to take out later.

I wasn't worried about getting caught, I was worried my father would be the one to find me and that the consequences would be worse. my father isn't very powerful, but when it came to me he was overprotective and selfish. I don't understand how the cauldron had paired my mother and father together as mates. my mother was soft and kind, but my father was harsh and demanding. They weren't a good pair. But that's none of my business.

I made sure my front door, windows and back door were locked before taking off my evening gown and the weapons hidden under and heading for the bath. I lived in a cabin off behind the Rainbow in Valaris, the most beautiful part of the city in my opinion. It was beautiful and secluded and about a mile away from the rainbow. No one was allowed in besides me because of the powerful wards I put around it, unless I allowed them in. Which no one has in the time I've been here.

After being in the bath for a whole two hours and keeping it warm with my magic, I was completely and utterly tired. I dried off and pulled on a sheer night gown. Going into the bedroom, I had tunnel vision as I set eyes on my bed and plopped down. I hadn't even closed my eyes fully when I fell asleep.


The next day, it was warm outside, so I awoke, ate breakfast, and pulled on a pair of soft pants and a light blue shirt with my black boots. I didn't leave without sheathing Synthiax at my hip. Synthiax was forged by a very good blacksmith of mine who was able to bend someone's magic into his work. He had enchanted Synthiax with my magic in case I wasn't able to fight anymore. Synthiax would protect me just as my magic would.

Walking along the streets of Valaris, with a slight glamour to hide my familiar golden eyes and black hair, turning my eyes to a chocolate brown and my hair to a light, Sunkissed brown. I walked with confidence as I waved back at High Fae and faeries alike and smiled. I took in the happy scents of Valaris. This was my home, always had been, and I would give my life for it.

I saw a few Fae, newly wedded and mated, walk with happiness and love in their eyes, and I envied them. I had always wanted to fall in love, or find my mate, but I knew I didn't have a mate, and if I did I would be putting them in danger with the target on my back. Even though I wanted to be loved and held like nothing else in the world mattered, I couldn't let anyone near me in fear of hurting them.

Looking away from the happy couples, I walked into my favorite store, the House of Paint and Blood. It had everything an artist would need, from paint and canvas to pencils and erasures. It was also the only store that sold weapons. I loved that part of the store the most, even the High Lord comes here for new weapons once in a while, though I have never run into him here.

Saluting to the store front, I walked behind the counter and into the back door where the lighting was much dimmer and darker than the store's front. The smell of metal and burning coal filled my nose as I walked in, the sound of metal hammers on armor, swords, and arrowpoints filled my sensitive ears, and the sound of masculine grunts and groans filled my stomach as I walked through the door. I absolutely loved it here, it was like a second home to me.

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