The Inner Circle

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I was not accustomed to flying, you could tell. I clung to the male with red siphons as he flew. I knew he took amusement in this, I knew he wanted to laugh at me for every gasp and squeal I made as he dipped and glided through the air.

I was happy when we landed, even had the urge to kiss the ground when we landed but I fought the urge.

"This is the House of Wind, the High Lord is waiting for you there," the male who I had come to learn was Cassian said, and I nodded.

"Lead the way," I said.

I followed Azriel and Cassian into the foyer of the house and through the front door.

"The house is warded, so you'll be safe here."

I jumped, whirling around to find a tall, lean but muscular male. He had violet eyes and hair almost as dark as mine. Next to him was a female who I instantly knew was Feyre Cursebreaker, with her icy blue eyes and golden brown hair.

Instantly I felt envious of them. They were mates and they let their mingling scents out with pride. I squashed that feeling immediately and bowed.

And felt embarrassed when Cassian began to laugh.

I rose, blush on my cheeks. The High Lord was smiling, the Lady was too. I was confused. Was I not to bow in front of my High Lord and Lady?

"Please, you are welcome here; no need to bow," the High Lord waved his hand in dismissal, and Azriel and Cassian were gone in a split second, up the stairs. Cassian was still laughing as he went.

"I'm sorry, I was raised to bow in front of my High Lord," I said. It was something my father taught me that I agreed with.

"There is no need for that, Thalia," He said, gesturing for me to follow him.

I wondered how he knew my name.

We walked down the hall to what seemed to be a dining room. It was nice with a long table in the center and a chandelier of fae light hanging over it.

"Cassian will never let that go," Feyre chuckled, the sound kind and sweet.

I sat at the table and the High Lord and Lady sat across from me, Feyre on his right side.

"You can drop the formalities; My name is Feyre, and this is Rhysand, though I know you may have known that already," Feyre said kindly.

"Yes," I answered. I got right to the point. "Why am I here?"

The High Lord dropped his amusement. "I would like to know why there was a fight in the middle of the Rainbow and why your face is posted all around my city."

I swallowed. "It's a long story, Milord," I said, uncomfortable with calling him by his name.

"Call me Rhys," Rhysand said, leaning back in his chair. "We have time."

I glanced at Feyre, who smiled and nodded. She also handed me a wet washcloth that she pulled from thin air. I realized I was still covered in blood. I thanked her as I began wiping my face free of blood.

They were waiting so I told them everything. I told them about being born on Starfall and showed them my birthmark. I told them about my father and his crazy rules because of my magic, I told them about how he locked me away because he caught me practicing magic and fighting, but I left a few hard details out. Then I told them of the wanted posters.

It felt nice to finally be able to get some things off my shoulder; I didn't know I was crying until Feyre handed me a wad of tissue.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Thalia," Feyre said.

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