{8} Wounds Only You Can Mend

Start from the beginning

I sighed, not really wanting to have this conversation, especially not with Wick. "Look I have no idea, Clarke knew cause I told her but I ended it with Finn... The hell does it even matter anyway. He's dead."

"Sorry I asked." He mumbled as he tightened the final strap a little too viciously.

"Ow" I said as I watched him do it.

He stepped back, his eyes not quite meeting mine. "Thought you couldn't feel anything in that leg." I sat there as he shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the room, leaving me alone with a new brace.

I lowered myself down and cautiously stepped onto my paralysed leg, letting out a sigh of relief when it actually worked. I made a silent prayer in my head to Wick, sorry for being a cow and sorry for how good the brace actually worked.


I was unable to leave TonDC after Lexa left, whenever I tried to, I was stopped by a Grounder who grumbled obscenities under his breath, so much for being on her side.

She and around twenty others had left earlier that day in the morning and hadn't returned until late afternoon. I was sat by the fire when they arrived, my back facing them as they rode past on horseback. I was wearing heavy clothing that only Grounders wore, and it made a difference to the flimsy material from Mt Weather that served no protection from the cold.

"What do we tell her?" Indra asked, her voice slightly hushed but still loud enough for me to hear.

Lexa hissed a response, "Nothing, she thinks that everyone is dead. It's better that way."

"How is this better, Heda?"

"Once we have the deserter and his female companion then we have our warrior back, the other Sky Girl plus Clarke means we have an advantage over the alliance-"

"But how can she help us with the alliance if it's with-" she paused for a moment as she said the final word as if it were a foul taste on her tongue. "them."

"She doesn't need to know who the alliance is with, only what needs to be done in order to protect our people. I will train her as my second, she will fight beside me in battle with these people if it comes to it."

The clip of hooves on the floor suggested they had ridden off to someplace else and I took that moment to peek over my shoulder to see Lexa and Indra in deep conversation still. The one question that was on my mind was once again, who?

In Mt Weather, they were keeping a secret from me about 'the others' who they were and what they were doing inside Mt Weather. And now the Commander was keeping a secret from me. Who was the alliance?

I waited a short while for the Grounder on the gate to leave his post for the next one on guard who hadn't turned up yet, I followed the hoof tracks in the mud, determined to find the truth.


The thought of an alliance with the people that we were so desperate to kill only weeks before made me feel apprehensive, I didn't even think before agreeing to the alliance, the words just simply spilt from my mouth as if it were the right thing to do. As I sat eating dinner, I wasn't so sure.

"Nice brace." I said, motioning down to Raven's leg who sat next to me on the log by a small fire. I glanced down at it and did her iconic eye roll.

"Yeah, Wick made it."

"I see that he went to a lot of effort..." It was actually very precise and even a red piece of material running round the brace had been sewn with accuracy. I looked around me, seeing Wick with some other men, but not beside Raven. "Why aren't you sitting with him?" I asked, turning to see Raven shovelling some sort of vegetable in her mouth.

"Because he pissed me off. He started asking about the bridge and Finn and he was all cocky and sarcastic, I mean, I lost Finn that day and-" I cut her off quickly, hoping the conversation would move away from the day at the bridge. It filled my dreams every night and I preferred not to turn it into reality.

"What do you think of the alliance?" I asked her, unsure of the answer myself.

"Load of crap, like they're actually going to help us. No offence but, last time one of us got involved with a Grounder he carried her off into the sunset and to the sea."

A pang of emotions lurched inside of me, thinking of my sister so far from where I was.

"Was I wrong to agree to it."

"I don't know... these people might be saying the same thing we don't know." She slapped her hand on my knee and let out a sigh. "Well I'm off, things to do, not a lot of people to see but Abby will probably be having a breakdown cause I haven't seen her today..." She walked away leaving me alone with my thoughts on the log.

Did I make the right decision... Was it wrong to accept the alliance? What would Clarke have done?

N O T E - (Basically a life update so don't bother reading if you don't care)

It's been 10 days since I uploaded last, I thought it had only been 7! Sorry! I hope your all still wanting to read it even though the updates aren't scheduled propery. The title for this chapter is from Can't Pretend by Tom Odell because I had no idea what to call it. But I've started to watch The Returned (US) and wow, does anyone else watch it because it's so good!

Plus I've bought Gone by Micheal Grant and the first two Maze Runner books so I will be reading them after I have finished Only Even Yours (which is amazing), so I hope they'll be good. I finished Homecoming by Kass Morgan (No. 3 in The 100 Trilogy) and I loved the whole trilogy... so different from the show that I treat them as different rather than related, but I'm serious, if you need The 100 in this long hiatus then read them because it reminds me of all the cliff hangers in the show but nothing is the same if that makes sense????


Please do let me know if you're enjoying this or if you think it's crap because I have no idea, and I'm sure other writers can agree that it's really helpful and nice when people comment so yeah idk... but thank you all for reading anyway :)

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