{8} Wounds Only You Can Mend

Start from the beginning

"Hello Jasper." A beaming smile stretched to her eyes as she swung her legs round on the chair to face me fully.

"How, er, how do you know my name?"

"Your friend over there shouted it when you tried to take his cake..." She gave a slight chuckle as she pointed at Monty who waved back too enthusiastically. "I'm Maya, Maya Vie if you want the complete version." I took her outstretched hand that was warm and soft compared to my calloused hands from the ground.

"Hey Vaya Mie... wait... that's not right, is it?" I had never been good around girls, especially one's who wanted to be my friend, and in that moment, it was no different.

"Lovely to meet you." She said giving me another smile as she lightly patted the seat next to her. I looked over at Monty who was giving me encouraging nods before Miller tapped him on the shoulder and they walked out of the Mess Hall together.


After what had seemed like forever in the medical tent and Abby fussing over me, It felt good to be walking around again (even if it was only on one leg with two enormous crutches). At some point in my bedridden state, Wick had promised me a brace that would help me walk but he still hadn't presented it to me once I was up and about.

The new camp was busier than I thought, guards barking orders for people to do this or fix that, others just swanned around and enjoying their new found freedom. The days were typically the same, wake up, take a wash in the carefully yet poorly constructed showers, have breakfast, work until the evening, have dinner and then go to bed. It reminded me of our old camp, with a very high concentration of The Ark's rules mixed in.

The only person that I knew from the old camp was Bellamy, and he was always off making plans regarding the newly founded alliance.

"Et voila..." Wick announced as he walked into the mechanics room, forcing me to stop welding and turn to face him as he swung his arm away from his chest to reveal what seemed to be a leg brace.

"Firstly, that brace look's crap, and secondly, what does et voila mean... I don't speak Grounder."

Wick rolled his eyes whilst he gently placed the brace on the desk as he spoke.

"My brace beats any other brace ever and it's not Grounder, it's French."

I scoffed at this unknown language, I only knew that Grounder language and English existed.

"French, sounds terrible if you ask me..."

"Woah." Wick put his hands up in defence. "French is what they used to speak in France, how do you not know that... did you fall asleep in Earth Skills or something?"

"I never went to my Earth Skills classes, thought I'd die in space so I'd never need them, ironic right? Still, doesn't help the fact that Fence-"


"French whatever, sounds crappy."

"Well Reyes, I've got news for you. French was the language of love, and you'll love me if you try out my brace... I even made sure it matched your jacket." He pointed to a piece of red material that ran along the fabric of the brace, a beaming smile on his face as if it were the best thing he had ever achieved.

I eventually gave in and sat on the desk as Wick did up the straps tightly, pausing when he was almost finished. "What happened to Finn? I asked Bellamy but he didn't want to talk about it.

"Doesn't surprise me, he almost lost himself that day. But Finn's dead Wick. Died trying to be the hero and save us all, and I guessed it worked."

"Did he know about us on The Ark?"

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