Midnight stroll

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Before you start reading this fanfic, POVs change alternatively

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Before you start reading this fanfic, POVs change alternatively. For example, this chapter starts in your POV, the next will be in Kunikuzushi's. I will specify if the POV switches to 3rd person. I also add a photo to every chapter to give and idea of where the story takes place ;)


-To reconcile-

"The ocean always looked so serene under moonlight"

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"The ocean always looked so serene under moonlight"

"What could someone be doing this early in the morning?"

(December 30 Saturday. 3:09 AM]

(Y/n) pov

        I had a rather strange routine, ever since my parents started leaving home more often for work. I'd sleep around 6pm and wake up at around 2 AM, in the morning.

        It's strange, yes I know.

        But I think it suits me best.

        I always found comfort in the night, so I eat and sleep early, and finish my assignments before the sun rises. This routine was much more productive. That aside, the thing I love most about my current routine is that, I get to admire the peace and quiet of Inazuma. I live on the west of Byakko Plain, near the ocean on Narukami. Every night, I leave my house to roam the island.

        Konda City, Amakane island, Chinju forest, heck- I even managed to snoop around Kamisato Estate, five times! All those wonderful locations aside, the place I like to spend most of my time is at the beach. The ocean always looked so serene under moonlight.

        I was on my usual midnight-stroll, walking towards the beach, until I saw someone trying to climb the railing, dividing the beach and the concrete side-path.

        It was around 3:10am and I thought to myself,

        What could someone be doing this early in the morning?

        I was bored, so I decided to approach the person and see for myself.

        As I slowly walked towards the mysterious person, his behaviour became more clear, and it started concern me. He was trembling, and crying, shakily trying to stand up on the railing, which startled me, because the road was much higher than the beach, you could break your bones if you fell off, and there was no sand to protect his fall, only stones.

        It slowly occured to me that, this boy was trying to hurt himself.

        He was about to fall.

        Without thinking, I ran as fast as I could to pull him away from the railing. I pulled him back by the waist and before I knew it, he was back on steady ground.

        He wasn't very happy about it, however. I could tell because he was trying to get out of my grasp and reach out to the railing again.

        "What the hell is wrong with you!?" He complained. "Let go of me!!"

        "No way!" I yelled, trying to hold him back. "What the hell were you trying to do?!"

        "It's none of your buisness!" He retorted. His tone softened slightly, anger still prevalent.

        I ignored his comment and asked,

        "Why were you trying to jump off?"

        When I asked that question, the boy fell silent, and stopped struggling to get out of my grasp.

        Neither did he make eye contact, nor did he speak. His eyes and face were drenched in tears. The anger he wore broke down to reveal a sad, and lonely young boy. I let go of him and placed my arm on his back to give him a bit of comfort, as he quickly brought his sleeve to his face.

        All I could do was stand there and rub his back, as he slowly tried to rub tears off his eyes. "Hey, your life is precious... please don't do something like that.. I promise you, it's not worth it,"

        He only sobbed more and my words, taking brief gasps of air.

        "Look, I don't know what happened to you, but I'm willing to listen. Maybe talking it out will make you feel better?"

        "No- I- You don't- I don't need your pity. Just leave."

        "I'm not going to leave, not until I know you're okay. I don't wan't you to end your life, so please, we can talk this out. Trust me, it'll be okay, alright? I promise," I say, embracing him in a hug.


        "...Fine," he said, hugging me back tightly, by the waist. "I'm not okay... I don't want to live. I hate everything around me, I hate feeling miserable all the time, it makes me sick. I want it to end. I-" It was obvious now that he was in mental anguish. He let go of me after a bit. "I hate my life, I wish I could erase my past."

        "Please trust me on this, life is worth living, I swear. Things will get better."

        He was choking over his own words, frantically trying to fix his face. I let him lean on my shoulder for balance every now and then. He looked so weak and pale, he could collapse at any moment.

        He was still shaking, and I felt horrible for him. Who knows what could've happened to him that lead to this?

        "Hey, lets go to the park and talk yeah? I'll get us something to eat too, It'll clear your mind," I suggest.


To Reconcile [Kunikuzushi x fem!reader] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now