Chapter four

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Who knew uni would be this tiresome?

Teachers tell us to study in primary school and high school, so that we could relax in uni. That's a scam. The lectures here tell us to read 75% while they give us less than 25%. 

I had classes left and right, corner and centre. They never end. My units were becoming more difficult and it was doing a number on me. I was finding it hard to adjust to living alone and all this work was getting even more.

Let's not talk about the undeniable effort to fit in with my peers. I am torn between being a loner or actually talking to some of my classmates. This is something people don't usually talk about. Mostly after lectures, I'm first out of the door. That is because I'm not talkative with people here.

When our school orientation was happening, mostly I hang around my former high school mates. They were nice those first weeks, going for meals together, calling me to hang out in their hostels and stuff. That was until I felt them sidelining me. They would post meeting each other without me and I was hurt.

I can't say I was close to them in our high school years but I genuinely thought I'd have a different story in uni. So when I have to actually include myself in their plans, I stopped meeting them. They seemed just fine. We would take occasionally before classes started getting difficult.

I do talk with some of my classmates like a friend I made, Lornah. I came to know her when we were asking for directions to our class. The uni is large and someone can easily get lost. We exchanged numbers and from then we've been talking.

I live alone in one of the hostels provided by the school, Nyayo hostels. They are actually a distance from my classes. I have a footbridge to cross on my way to the hostels. Something about security within the school.

There we aren't allowed to cook. So I buy my meals. There is a place Kenyatta market we call it km. I go there and either buy take-away or I eat there. The place is actually nice. There are very many vendors and foodstuffs are unlimited.

I go to a small eating place called hashtag or midcity . Their meals are comrade friendly in terms of price. I don't see the need of buying expensive foods while there is an option for cheap ones.

With my dish, I carry food from km then cross the bridge. From there I walk for a while before getting to my hostel, Nyayo 6. It a beautiful place. The garden around it and the trees.

My room is 218, so I have some stairs to climb. They are a pain honestly. Couldn't they have brought an elevator or escalator? I still climb them complaining but hoping I reach my room.

The school offers us WiFi, so when I'm eating I'm usually watching a movie or series. Like the one I'm watching is The 100 . I love the characters like Belamy and Clarke. I enjoy Octavia's optimism, even though she acts like a rebel. These two people deserve each other.

Makes me think, if I'll ever get that kind of love?

Someone who is willing to see good of your intentions even though you act like a little shit. Someone who is willing to die for you and love you even though you choose someone else.

Living alone has taught me that I have to find ways to entertain myself. I can choose to sleep, read, watch movies, exercise, clean the room or even take a walk. Here, it depends on the day. I find it calming to walk around the hostel area, especially on weekends that I remain in school.

Dancing to kpop songs I another habit I collected along the way. I didn't know how intriguing the songs were until I started listening to them. Blackpink songs were the first on my playlist then I heard of other groups.

These days I've been blessing my neighbours with either BTS, Exo, Stray Kids, Aespa, Red Velvet, Astro or Ateez. Since I've not gotten any complains I'm sure they are enjoying them as well.

Damn, these dances are exhausting. I'm even wondering how these idols are able to perform their songs live. Must take a lot of practice,makes me respect them more.

I started the dances as a way to entertain myself but it kind of grew on me. Now I find myself dancing, some days more than some.

It settles me when I have a lot of assignments and it relieves my stress.

Taking about assignments, I have to get finished with.


There is another chapter.

This one was hard to write, cause I didn't use a pov. I just wrote it like an essay.

I'll update more often from now, hope you'll enjoy it.

Have a nice day/night.

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