▪︎Hoodie x Reader¹▪︎

26 1 2

low hum is all you heard as you woke up, trying to open your eyes but not being able to see anything but a blinding light.

You tried to speak, but all that came out was a whisper, a very very scratchy whisper.

"he-" You coughed violently, almost as if you had been a smoker like Tim.

You took a look at your hand as you felt something wet in the palm of it, Blood, lots of it.

You quickly shot up, finally recognizing your surroundings, getting flashbacks of what happened the night before.

A loud ring was heard from the machine behind you, quick footsteps making their way towards the two big doors that you had just seemed to notice.

You coughed even more, coughing up a little less blood, you wiped it on your seemingly newly wrapped gauze around your chest by accident.

"W-at the he-l," You said, cutting out through your sentences, God you needed water.

A loud sound, similar to a banging noise as if a gun went off came from the door, you looked at the person standing there with wide and dazed eyes.

You saw Nurse Ann, Your go-to medic for everything.

Quick footsteps came behind her, someone almost bringing her to the ground with how much force they came in with standing behind her apologizing profusely.

You recognized the dirty blonde male standing behind her when he looked at you, eyes filled with pure joy.

You waved at him, Grabbing the cup of water that Ann handed you and downing it with a few pills.

"Hey, hon." You said looking at him, getting back into a more comfortable position.

He quickly came over to you, pulling the chair out from Ejs's desk and setting it down next to you, setting his head on your lap.

You played with his hair, making little braids and raking your fingers through the messy strands, not noticing him fall asleep, almost as if your touch is his Zolpidem.

You heard your name being called from the corner of the room, looking at nurse Ann.

One word echoed in your mind, Shit.

The thing is, you haven't told anyone that you were dating, besides Operator but, he didn't allow dating in the house so, you had no choice but to tell that controlling asshat.

"Are you two....together?'' A confused tone is evident in her voice as she looked at you and Brian.

"I- will.." You said softly, contemplating telling her.

You looked down at Brian and concluded that it was time to tell her.

"Yes Ann, We are dating." You said looking up at Ann to see her getting medication out from the ca⁰binet.

"Well, you have to wake him up, toby is coming, you know how much of a chatterbox he is," Ann said, making her way over to your bed.

"OK, I'll see if I can." You said, looking down at bri.

"Bri, Honey?" You said, ruffling his hair trying to wake him.

You cupped his face and made him look at the lights, God how blinding those were perfect to wake him up though.

You were met with a scrunch of the nose and brian opening his eyes, looking at you with his coffee-brown eyes.

"Toby's coming soon darling." You said looking at him with a soft smile.

Brian seemed to completely wake up after that, Getting into a more professional-like position, and putting his mask on.

"When is he-" He was cut off by the doors opening and toby walking through, Blood splattered all over his mask.

"Hey, Toby." You said, waving to him only to be ignored.

You gave a confused look to Brian, mind racing on why he could be acting like this, you quickly snapped out of it by Toby clearing his throat.

"Well..? Are you two just gonna look at each other like partners or something??" He asked, annoyance and sarcasm evident in his tone.

Your face quickly turned pink and snapped towards Toby, looking at the early twenties brunette.

"And she's looking at me the same way. Fuck." He gave an awkward wave, God he was acting so differently.

"What's with the attitude Tobias?" You said giving him a stern look, a bit mad, why the hell was he acting like this?

He hopped off the table and made his way towards you, taking his mask off and leaving it loosely hanging around his neck.

"Why am I acting like this Y/N?" He said doing a pose almost as if he was thinking.

"Oh, I don't know maybe because you've been knocked out cold for THREE FUCKING DAYS." He said, practically yelling the last words.

You Sat there in shock, You knew you'd been asleep but you didn't know for how long.

"Oh great, here comes the anxious rambling." He said walking out and pulling his mask and goggles onto his face again.

"Bri, was I seriously out for that long?" You said, turning to him.

You raked your fingers through your hair, pulling at it, stress and anxiety taking over.

Loud beeps, Brian and Anns' voices tuned out as you pulled and tugged at your hair, tears and black spots starting to cloud your vision.

You felt a soft poke in the side of your arm, the black spots taking over and stealing you from reality.

Get ready for part 2 baby!!!! And possibly a part 3? I dunno!! UH, I'm trying to write in more my style I suppose.

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