introduction <33

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I'm Indie, your hostess! I'm just going a quick breakdown of what I write.

Dialog, is very difficult to write for me so I prefer to make fluff chapters that don't involve a lot of talking.

I won't write smut / lemons, not only am I uncomfortable with it but I am very young, I'm 13 currently so I will not be writing smut / lemons.

I personally like to write in italics, I don't know why, but I feel comfortable with it unlike the bold font it just gives me the icks.


I mainly write about the proxies, I am working on a? pasta character- and it's ej. Uh teehee.


Updates are slow, like very slow.. uh sorry?.


I only write my stories at night when I'm winding down yk,normally around 8-10, is when I start writing.

My stories are short, sometimes rushed, and I forget to edit / add parts to them, so tell me about spelling errors as you read it please!! <33

Hope that explained my writing type /  preferences!!!

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