"You two must go and change the tourney will start soon" Spoke Viserys. Both sisters looked at one another sad looks on their faces knowing what today meant. "I love you muna, you are the best mom I could have asked for muna" Rhaella whispered in her mother's ear before leaving. Rhaenyra said something along those lines as she joined her younger sister.

"We must tell Father, we must warn him of what is to come!" Rhaenyra spoke in her mother's tongue. "And say what? That we have lived this life once before?" Rhaella asked her older sister.

"I could tell him of the prophesy Aella! We must try! We can not let the greens win" Rhaenyra insisted. "Rhaenyra... Let's enjoy the day. I wish to spend my time with Mother before she leaves us once again" Rhaella whispered separating from Rhaenyra leaving the older girl cursing at the stubbornness of her younger sister.

When Rhaenyra made it to her chambers, she came face to face with Alicent her breath left her as she saw a younger version of the once bitter Queen was once more her innocent self. Rhaenyra could not help but frown as she saw Alicent smiling at her. "Rhaenyra, morning! How is good queen Aemma?' The young Hightower ask as she took out the all too familiar red dress. "I do not wish to wear that! I wish to wear black" Spoke Rhaenyra.

Alicent gave her a confused look but smile as she took out a black dress before helping Rhaenyra get undressed and dress again. Rhaenyra only felt like throwing up, like slapping her hand off each time Alicent made physical contact with her skin. Once she was done changing she left her chambers not waiting for alicent to join her.

Ser Herrold followed close by, Rhaenyra smile she had not chosen Criston yet.

On the other side of the Keep Rhaella walked through the gardens of the keep. A sad smile on her lips, she only wanted to be by her mother's side or up in the sky with her she-dragon Valaries. "Princess Rhaella!"

Rhaella looked up her eyes widening as she saw the much younger version of her husband. "Lord Cregan? A pleasure meeting you!" Rhaella spoke. "The pleasure is all mine Princess" Cregan smiled as he kissed her hand. "Congratulations on your future sibling" Rhaellas smile faded at the mention of her brother.

"I apologize if I have said something to offend you Princess" Cregan apologize. "Do not apologize, Lord Cregan, I am tired that is all... Why don't you tell me of Winterfell I have heard great stories of the castle" Rhaella switches the conversation. Cregan happily nodded as he talked of his home.

He must be 19 or 18 name days. The two of them continued to walk through the garden as Cregan told Rhaella stories of his home. "You must come to visit Princess you will love it!" Cregan smiled as Rhaella laughed. "I will once you come dragon riding with me before you leave" Rhaella spoke, knowing Cregan had hated dragon riding in their previous life.

"Perhaps on another occasion, Princess" Cregan smiled before they were both called to the tourney. They both made their way to where the others sat, with a bow Cregan left Rhaella. Rhaella uncaring for the tourney made her way to her mother's chambers once more.

When she arrived she saw her mother's face twisted in pain. Rhaellas own mirror that of her mother. "Do not worry this will be the last one" Aemma promise her youngest making Rhaella heartbreak Indeed it would be the last one. "Why couldn't we be enough for him?"

"You are my sweet Ella, but to the kingdom, you are not" Aemma spoke wincing as she sat up bringing Rhaella's head to her shoulder. "He will always place the ream above us isn't he?" Rhaella knew the answer to her own question but still asked. "I'm sorry, Ella" Aemma whispered. The Queen could not help but blame herself if she had given Viserys a boy then perhaps her daughters would not suffer as much as they do.

"It is not your fault Mother" Rhaella smiled as she continued to stay by her mother's side. It did not take long for the labor to begin fear bubbling in Rhaellas's stomach as she saw her mother's face twist in pain. "Rhaella bring me some sweets" Aemma spoke making Rhaella nod.

Making her way to the kitchen she grabbed a few treats for her mother, she knew there was nothing she could do to stop her death, it was her fault her sweet mother would die.

Unwanted tears left her eyes as she made her way back to her mother's chambers, her hands trembling as she approaches her mother's wings the screams filling the air already.

Rhaella could not help but cry the more she came close to her mother's chambers, "Rhaella!" Looking up she saw Rhaenyra screaming at her but that is all she hear her ears rang. "Rhaella" Snapping out of it Rhaella sigh dropping the plate with sweets as she ran towards her sister.

"Rhaella we must hurry" Rhaenyra spoke shaking her sister trying to break her from whatever trance she was in. "We are too late" Rhaella finally spoke making Rhaenyra shake her head. "No, I will not lose Mother a second time I refuse" Rhaenyra sneered as she made her way to her mother's chamber.

When they came close to their mother's chambers they were stopped by two knights. "By order of the king, you may not enter!Princesses!" Finally regaining control of her emotion Rhaella scuffed as she took her dagger with a swift move the sword of the Knight went flying, Rhaenyra was quick to push the other knight out of the way.

Rhaella quickly went inside just in time to see the maester take the blade to her mother's body. "No, Stopp" Rhaella cried the knight from before holding her back as the other did the same with Rhaenyra. Both sisters scream for their father to stop this madness.

The screams of Queen Aemma echo through her chambers as they cut her open once more. "No, stop you'll kill her! Stop" Rhaellas's screams were raw as she shouted for her father to stop. Rhaenyra did the same their screams falling on deaf ears. They only stop when Aemma's own came to an end the babe did not cry. Both sisters cried as they ran to their mother's side ignoring Viserys.

"Mama... Muna! Please Muna wake up" cried Rhaenyra as she held into her mother's body Rhaella did the same their dresses stain from the blood. "How could you!? How could you kill our mother for an heir that will not live past a day? You barbaric cunt! You call yourself King? How many times will you put the realm before us?" Rhaella shouted from where she sat holding her mother's hand.

"I am your king! You will not speak to me in such way!" Viserys sneered as he held his son. "Your right your my king before you are our father! Get out! Get out!" Rhaella shouted.

Both sisters were left alone with their mother's corpse. They had been the ones that wrapped Aemmas body and not a day later their brothers.

The following day they all stood there again as Syrax and Valaries waited for their rider's command. Rhaenyra and Daemon stood by one another Visery stood away from them and Rhaella stood by her dragon. That day when in a blur for everyone from the apologies and goodbyes to Rhaella and Rhaenyra crying in each other's arms.



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