Chapter 10

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Everyone goes to the school and chats with each other. Suddenly a car with a royal insignia flag with the emblem of the household family arrived in front of Ouran Highschool. All the students saw who got out of the car.

"Wow, is that Haruhi really looks like?  It's very beautiful when you see it right in front of your eyes", whispered a few of them.

"I hope she still in the host club. I miss her as a host even though her secret is exposed", said they again.  Everyone scattered around Haruhi. She almost cried seeing them avoid her but she misunderstood because all the students didn't know how to approach her and they didn't dare to anger her. Tetsuya forgotten again because of his presence. Everyone was shocked and screamed when he suddenly appeared next to Haruhi to comfort her.

The host club members blinked and gaped wondering since when he arrived with Haruhi. Their phones suddenly rang and a message appeared on the phone screen saying that Haruhi wanted to meet them with Principal Souh in the principal's office.

"I think we should informed our homeroom teacher to miss the class for our meeting at the principal's office", said Kyoya.

"I'm afraid Haruhi will withdraw from our host club, Shadow King", replied Hikaru. They start to worry and don't think that Haruhi is out of the host club. They pray hoping that Haruhi is still in their club.

"I'm not comfortable with my new look. I'm so glad no one knows that I'm wearing a tiara. I miss my old uniform ", said Haruhi whining after being forced to wears a tiara headband by their uncle's emperor and mentioning that she was the only princess does not wear a crown on her head.

"What can we do? Everything the emperor says is the law. We can't break it. I want to wear a normal uniform not with the royal crest brooch and the heirloom household family emblem", said Tetsuya sullenly and crying anime can't protest after being threatened by their uncle's emperor to put him in the royal etiquette and history class again. He trembled as he remembered the first time he felt the torment of hell. Until now they still don't know they emit a dark gloomy aura around them. Most of the students shrieked to avoid them after feeling danger if they are close to them.

They arrived at the principal's office and knocked on the door. Butler opened the door. Suddenly Tamaki runs to Haruhi but jabbed by Tetsuya. Hitachiin twin snickered seeing Tamaki lifeless on the floor after being jabbed by Tetsuya. When will you learned a lesson Tamaki thought Kyoya and sighed while Mori and Honey don't care about their epic scene.

"Now you are gathered here. Can we start our discussion? " said Principal Suoh. They sit on the sofa and start the meeting after being asked by Principal Suoh.

"First of all, I want to apologize to all of you for hiding my background and true identity. I have my own reasons to hide my identity because I don't want to endanger the people I know for my safety. I don't care if you want to call it selfish myself but thank you for your hardwork for trying to find my whereabouts for a month even though it was fruitless", said Haruhi as she giggled happily at Kyoya's face.

The host club members hold their laughter except for Kyoya after hearing Haruhi explanation. They accepted her apology. Principal Suoh coughed and everyone paid attention to him.

"Now that your problem is over can we continue our meeting?" asked Principal Suoh.

"Are you still in the host club Haruhi? I'm worried you will leave our club", said Honey in tears. Haruhi felt troubled seeing her senior in verge of tears. Everyone waiting for her answer. Tetsuya nudged Haruhi and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and replied,

"Don't worry I still stay at the host club but in one condition my uncle emperor wants me to pay off debt at the host club first." She took out the blank check and wrote the amount then give it to Kyoya.

"Haruhi you must follow the school rules and I have something to ask you. Are you wearing a tiara headband?" tells Principal Suoh. The host club members are shocked and wide eyed after hearing Principal Suoh asking Haruhi that she is really wearing a tiara without other students noticing.

"What!" shouted all the host club members. Haruhi shoulders slumped down becoming gloomy again and told that she was forced to wear the tiara by their uncle's emperor. They scanned Tetsuya and Haruhi from top to bottom to find that they were wearing a royal crest brooch and the heirloom household family emblem.

"That means you not under scholarship anymore and using your own wealth", said Kaoru.

"By the way, welcome to our world as you said rich bastard. Hi... Hi... Ha... Ha..."said Hikaru as he giggled at Haruhi. Swoosh! Crack! Hikaru frozen stiff on the spot. All the host club members trembled and hugged each other in fear of Haruhi after seeing the cracked wall with fan buried deep into the wall. Tetsuya sweatdrop and stole glance at Haruhi.

"Haruhi, I have something important to tell you. After your cousins finish their important matters at their old school and transfer to this school, I want to rebuild the student council according to the tradition written in the school's protocol. The main reason I approved the host club because none of children of four household families including imperial children attending this school for a long time since your parents and the emperor. Now things are changed and I want you to be the councilor with Tetsuya as the vice president. If one of you want to join the student council I really appreciate it. It seem like it's been a long time since Ouran Highschool returned to its glory days. You can still run your club even though you have a student council", explained Principal Suoh.

"But why do you both look sad? You should be happy to be part of the student council", asked Honey. Haruhi and Tetsuya whimpered after hearing the news. Shit! Is fate really playing tricks on us! You don't know I have a mountain paperwork at home why burden me with student council! It must be my uncle's work thought them.

"Of course you people really don't know anything about us. We have our own duties and other responsibilities that we must fulfilled as one of the household family", answered Tetsuya.

"Is this an order from the emperor?" asked Mori and Principal Suoh nodded his head.

"Dad, it is true that you want to make an announcement after Haruhi's other cousins finish their transferring to this school?" asked Tamaki to his father.

"Yes. I want to establish the student council again. You must review the school protocol again about the student council. Without the student council, this school struggle to stand back to return to former glory", response Principal Suoh.

"I heard a wind whispering to me that you are so stupid asking where I am? Are you sadistic? Tsk.. Tsk... "said Haruhi. Tamaki was pierced by so many arrow then fell lifeless on the floor. The other host club members laughed at Tamaki after hearing Haruhi's statement. He back to the corner growing mushroom  but get ignored. He looked at them with glistening puppy eyes. His father shook his head at his son's behavior.

"Before I forget something, I want to invite you all to my estate mansion to meet my other cousins after the school", said Haruhi again waiting for their answer. They nodded their heads and agreed to come with her. She sighed in relief while treating her like before even though they already know she are out of league.
They cancelled their host club activities for a day to visit the Fujiwara estate mansion to meet Haruhi's other cousins but didn't know a surprise was waiting for them there. They felt it was an honor for them to get to know haruhi lifestyle as a princess and heir of the one household family. The meeting went perfectly without any problems and they continued their classes. The host club members were impatient and hope the school session would end soon just to get to the Fujiwara estate mansion.

(A/N: This picture not mine. I just got from Google just to describe haruhi image)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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