Chapter 6

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"No! You go first!"
"You first because you are older than me! "
"The young have to listen to the old! So you first! "
"Don't expect it! You step first!" whispered the prince and princess while pushing and shoving each other. The escort guards could only sigh at their behavior. They began tremble and nervous to face the guests in the main hall. The emperor moved forward making an announcement to reveal the hidden prince and princess of four household families to the public. There are some cameramen broadcasting news about them live making them hesitant to show themselves to the guests who come to attend the royal ball.

"On the glorious night, I will reveal the hidden prince and princess of the four royal household families and also my nephews and nieces as you all know they are next in line after the royal prince and princess and the four lords of royal household families. You may not be aware that they people you know because all this time they hide their identity and live like ordinary people among the common people. Tonight is their first debut at the royal ball and they will introduce themselves according to their four royal household families. I hope my announcement tonight will
be interesting and lively with their official debut and welcomed by my subject with open arms. I hope tonight's royal ball goes well and it's time to me to step back to give them space to introduce themselves to the public", said Emperor Yoshito in his speech.

The guests turned their gaze towards them. Everyone paid attention to the prince and princess in introducing themselves and which the origin the household family they belonged. Ryoga nudged Haruhi while pointing a finger at the host club members and her schoolmates. Haruhi widened her eyes and whimpered inwardly as she knew she had to wear female uniforms from tomorrow with the family heirloom and royal insignia along with the headband tiara. Her cousins are quite sad that they have to move to her school after given one week to manages their enrollment to the Ouran Highschool by their uncle for their own safety.

They began introduce themselves to the guests and revealed their identity with their official names including their achievement and careers around the Japan and the world. They greeted the imperial family and the four lords of the household families before they began introduce themselves to the guests one by one. The guests also gives their greetings to them including to the prince and princess of four household families. The royal ball officially started after they finished their introduction.

"I'm lucky that I studied at the Ouran Highschool in the first place, right Tetsuya? The rest of you are welcome to my school. What we're going to do the secret is out but I don't know what will happen to you two Ryoma", said Haruhi and asked Keigo and Ryoma about the tennis club conflict. Tetsuya just nodded his head agreeing with Haruhi. Keigo and Ryoma sighed.

"I give up my captaincy and give the captain's mantle to Shishido Ryo. Not only that, I must give up my position in the student council as student council president before transferred to the Ouran Highschool. I will instruct Shishido on tennis regimen and guide him how to manage the tennis club", tell Keigo.

"But it's another story for me because I'm baby of tennis club Seigaku. Captain Tezuka will activate his father mode along with Oishi senpai's mother mode if they know I'll transfer to the Ouran Highschool before finishing our tournament. I think Keigo is in the same conflict as well because he is the captain of the Hyotei tennis club and handed over his captaincy right away to the vice captain. I think my whole senior member club will be sad and nag me but we still can visit them. We know beforehand that the Hyotei tennis club and the Seigaku tennis club are joined hands looking for where we've been missing for a month. I think they'll pass out from shock if they find out our true identities after all", replied Ryoma.

The music already playing indicating that the dancing has started. They stopped their conversation to make room for the guests to dance with them. In the corner of their hearts, they want to disappear and avoid dancing with the guests. Before starting to split and plan something they were stopped by the emperor and the four lords of household families to prevent them from run away. They smile each other but the guests are unaware of what happening between them. The host club members glanced over them to see what they doing in the middle of the dance and noticed their strange behavior.

"Didn't you see what happened in front of our eyes? It's strange why Haruhi and her cousins don't show themselves to the public easily and they prefer to live as normal people ", asked Honey.

"I think they are thrashing the royal etiquette. They didn't bother to correct themselves but the other guests seem unaware with their behavior because their appearances very perfect than us rich kids who always lived in luxury life", said Kyoya.

"Boss, we must protect our hidden princess as well because everyone already knows that she is a girl and after her as their chance to raise their fame and position in the imperial family", said Hikaru.

"What I know Haruhi are direct descendant of the emperor. Her father is actually younger brother of Emperor Yoshito and took her mother's surname Echizen Fujiwara after her parents married", said Honey again.

"Boss didn't you forget that you called Haruhi your daughter even though her father was still alive", asked Kaoru as Hikaru snickered at poor Tamaki raising his own death flag. Tamaki instantly became soulless but Mori recaptured his soul and put it back into his body. Kyoya shook his head at their usual antics.

"You see what I see right? It's rare to get extraordinary friends. That's why Haruhi always curses and snaps every time she mentions her friend to us", tells Nanjiroh while the other sweatdrop glanced at Haruhi.

Ryoji starts telling them about Haruhi's school life adventures and how he rented an apartment when she told him that her friends wanted to visit her house. He also had to disguise himself as a woman to avoid people from recognized him as one of the lord of household family. After hearing the story everyone started to laughing how rushed the day was when he heard the news from Haruhi. They know the members of the host club come from very influential and powerful wealthy families. On top that, they very sharp and observant of their surroundings even though they are airhead rich kids.

Tomorrow must be epic day for Haruhi. She can't live as a normal person anymore after her identity already exposed to the public and all of the Ouran Highschool students already know who really she is. She was glad that Tetsuya had transferred to her school. But she must have a royal attendants and an escorts to ensure her needs and safety. She cannot walked to the school as usual and must ride in a car with a royal insignia flag and family crest as she now returns and lives in the Fujiwara estate mansion again for her safety. The royal ball went smoothly without any untoward incident. All the guests were happy because the royal ball this time was lively with celebration of the debut of the prince and princess of the four household families throughout the night.

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