S2 EP 11: Last Days in the Village

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Rio was sitting on a rock ledge, over looking the village. There was a matter of three days left in the village and then he and whoever else would depart for the Demi-beats village. He'd been thinking about their departure since he, Christina, and Ruri ha arrived back from the troubles they had formerly faced. "I don't have a clue of what I should do... I know that Celia, Christina, and Flora were most likely going to return to the Beltrum Kingdom eventually. So why do I feel so down inside?"

Rio sighed and looked at the sun that was slowly setting over the horizon. He'd have to either take the girls or leave them eventually. With less than three days until he departed, decisions would have to be made within the time left.

"I've always known my goal and gone after it. This time however, I'm not sure what I should do..." Rio grabbed a small pebble and tossed it over the side of the cliff. "Maybe I should just not worry and leave them..."

"What are you doing up here?" a voiced asked as it approached him. A small hand came down on Rio's shoulder and he turned around to find Princess Christina behind him. "You've been acting depressed lately."

"It's nothing." Rio lied. "I'm just mumbling to myself is all!"

"Sure you are." Christina and Rio sat down on the soft grass and looked at the sun that was almost fully over the horizon at that point. "You know, I have never seen such a beautiful sight. This village sure does have its perks."

Rio didn't reply, but instead looked further into the dimmed sun. "What is she even doing up here? And if she's here, then why aren't Celia and Flora? I thought they'd spend the whole time together while they were here..." Without warning, Christina punched his shoulder and Rio looked at her in dismay. "What was that for?"  

"Stop acting like a depressed lunatic, Rio. I don't know why you've been so down lately, but I do not like it! Get back up on your feet, idiot." The way she was staring into Rio's eyes confused him, but he couldn't look away.

"I don't know what your talking about. I'm just looking at a good sunset is all..."

"Sure." Christina replied, coldly. Unexpectedly, she smiled at Rio and nudged his arm. "Why don't you join us down there? We only have a few days left, so best make the most of this!" She stood up and held out her hand to Rio, giving a faintly happy presence.

Rio, not knowing in what he was doing, took the princesses hand and walked with her down the hill. A few different times he would look over at Christina with awe. "Since Z I re-acquainted with her in that other village, I've noticed just how much she's changed. And while she is a snotty girl, I'm not sure that I really mind at this point."

 "So what do you plan to do when we leave?" Rio asked out of curiosity.

Christina and he stopped midway of the village and she tuned to look at him. "What do you ever mean? Why would I have plans, Sir Rio?"

Rio blinked at her and almost wanted to say something. "What do you mean?! Why wouldn't you have plans for when you leave here? Are you just winging it?"  Rio just shrugged and scratched his head. "I guess I didn't mean anything by it..."

"You are surely a weird one, Sir Rio." Christina bluntly stated.

"Sister! Rio!" Flora called as the two approached their sitting place. "I see your both coming together. Does that imply that you two have made up?" She smiled at the two while Christina gave a face of hatred.

"No! I was just bringing him because he's your friend is all..."

"Uh huh..." Flora joked. "We'll me and Celia already know what we want to do for today. Right, Professor?" Her cheery expression already told Rio that he was going to regret going with them...

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