S3 EP 3: The Galarc Kingdom

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Rio traveled across many lands to get to a spot he could find some information. He had to use the fancy earring the Demi-humans gave him to change his hair white so no one would find out who he was. Wanted posters of Rio Karasuki and the man who "kidnapped" Celia Claire were up on boards and search parties for Celia still roamed through many kingdoms.

After deciding on the best place to start looking for a supposed Japanese person who was brought to this world, Rio started to look in the Galarc Kingdom. This kingdom was a sister kingdom of the Beltrum Kingdom and as such would maybe have some answers to where he could find someone.

When he arrived at the city, he was astounded at the wealth shown in just its entry gates. They were twice the size that the Kingdom of Beltrum obtained and more guarded than that of Beltrum. "Making a scene in this kingdom would not be wise..."

Rio got to the entry point of the city where a man stood to get his credentials. "Good thing that the Demi-humans were able to make a fake ID."  Rio pulled out the ID and gave it to the man so he could inspect.

"Amakawa Haruto?" the solider questioned. "Quite an unusual name for someone to have... where are you from?"

"The far west, sir." Rio lied. "My family name of Amakawa is common where I come from, good sir."

The soldier shrugged and asked Rio one final question. "Why have you come to this kingdom, sir?"

"My family asked if I would get some items from here so that they could see the bigger kingdoms from far away." Rio pointed at some of the shops that lay ahead and the soldier nodded, letting him preceed.

As he walked through the large gate, Rio looked around at the surrounding infer structure as well as the people who roamed the streets. Many of them looked less refined than the Beltrum people, however looked much more well of and in better cares. Overall, the kingdom was something that you could truly behold!

"I should get some food real quick." Rio mumbled to himself. He scanned the city and saw that most of the main food attractions were food stalls. "Something big must be going on here... Maybe I should check this out.

Rio walked over to the busiest stall and saw that the large crowd was doing what looked like praise. The one being praised was a purple haired girl who was serving what the stall served... rice buns?! "That's a Japanese food! Why does this stall have rice buns?!"

"Sir, are you a visitor to the Galarc Kingdom?" Rio turned around and saw a man who looked to be in his mid-forties behind him. He must have guessed that Rio was admiring the rice buns and known that something was different.

"Yes, sir." Rio said. "I noticed these things this woman is selling at the stall called 'rice buns'. Where did they come from?"

The man pointed to the woman behind the stall. "That's Sumeragi Satsuki, hero of the Galarc Kingdom. She, along with protecting this land, invented these things called rice balls which are delicious!"

Rio looked at the woman. "Sumeragi Satsuki... That's a Japanese name, not from this world. Could she have been summoned to this world like the other three..." Rio looked back at the man and then to the woman. "How do these rice balls taste?" He already knew since he'd had some before, but Rio wanted to think a moment more.

"Pretty good." the man said, cheerily. "You should go and try one! She's giving out free ones today!" After that, the man walked away to a family Rio guessed was his.

Rio turned to the stall and walked to take one of the rice balls. The woman called Sumeragi Satsuki looked at him and smiled. "Free rice balls, sir! You seem new so I hope you enjoy these foods!"

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