S2 EP 7: Home Sweet Home

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"It's so... nice here..." 

Rio opened as he felt himself deep in some wonderful world of peace. Fields surrounded his gaze and for miles was the abyss of the open sky. The chaos that Rio for some reason was feeling in a second of time vanished and a new feeling warmed his inner self. But why? What was happening in this place? And why was he standing in a perpetual peace like this one? "Maybe I should look around...

Rio looked up at the sky and wondered. It looked so blue that Rio felt like... he'd seen these skies before. But why did his inner consciousness pull him toward where he now stood in awe? Something wasn't right.

Stepping farther into the grass, Rio saw the entire world change in front of his eyes! He saw how the world of peace and grassy fields turned into wood walls, desks, and a few people in one room. "A Japanese Classroom? Why am I here?"

In the class, across from where Rio was standing, were three girls, talking. Rio recognized Miharu and Aki as two of them, but the third was a complete mystery. "Hello, ladies! What's going on here?" None answered to him and Rio finally concluded he was dreaming.

"And so, me, Aki, and he older brother are going to the festival this weekend." Miharu said as Rio eavesdropped on their talk. "And the two of us were thinking, did you want to join us for the event?"

"Sure!" the third girl exclaimed. "I'd love to see Aki's older brother there, Miharu! Plus, maybe your crush will somehow show up at this thing." She smiled at Miharu and she blushed in panic.

"W-Well, I haven't seen him in years... and he's probably forgot about little ole me by now..."

"Your way to modest, Miharu..." Aki sighed. "But I guess it's decided. Ow!" Suddenly, all three girls jumped from where they were standing and looked at each other with glowing eyes. "Miharu, Satsuki, what just happened?"

Rio looked at the situation and wondered. "Satsuki? So this is the girl the other three were looking for! But... that doesn't explain why I was summoned to a dream such as this one."  Rio shook his head in frustration and continued to watch the whole thing unfurl.

"I don't know!" Miharu screamed. "I just felt a pinch all over my body and kind of feel dizzy."

"Same!" Satsuki agreed. "Whats going on here?"

"I don't-"

I a flash, and as Rio blinked his eyes, all three girls disappeared from the room and Rio was all alone. "What in the- Where did those three go?!"  Rio looked around the classroom and found that they were indefinitely gone! "This must have been when Miharu, Aki, and Masato were all summoned to my home! Still, how am I dreaming again?"

Before Rio could think about any of it, he was back in the field he started in. The only difference that he found was the slight change in warmth that surrounded his body. "What's doing that? Is it naturally this warm in dreams?"

Rio felt as he began to open his eyes back to the real world and found himself in the new house he was staying in for the next few months. Wood and iron walls, tapestries here and there, and... bumps on his blankets. "What kind of a design to sheets did they place with these? It's unpalatable!"

"Don't talk to loud." Out from under the sheets came a girl with white hair and who was wearing a blue sleeping gown. "I'm trying to sleep, Rio!" Rio looked at her and on the inside was burning with anger and embarrassment. What was Celia doing in his bed? And... WHY WAS HE NOT AWARE BEFORE!!!

"I'm trying to sleep as well, Rio." another girls said, coming out from the sheets.

"Just great! Flora's in my bed too!"

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