S2 EP 10: Reunion

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"So alloweth me receiveth this straight. " Christina snarl'd at Rio and Ruri who is't hath walked beside h'r. "You has't been hiding Celia in a bawbling village this whole timeth?! How didst thee coequal make shift to receiveth by with yond in the first lodging?!" Since the three hadst hath left the oth'r village, those gents'd been walking through the f'rest as Princess Christina did question rio about what hadst hath happened at which hour that gent'd taken Celia.

"Not quite. "Rio sigh'd in annoyance. "I travel'd with celia and a few oth'rs f'r the first few months. Then, we arriv'd in a completely diff'rent village wh're mine own sist'r and some cater-cousins reside. Anon aft'r, we head'd f'r this village and has't been h're since then. We shouldst beest departing in a matt'r of a few days howev'r. "

"I seeth. " Christina obs'rv'd. "And who is't besides misseth Celia wast with thee, sir rio?"

"Well mine own sist'r and some people i pick'd up art in a diff'rent village at the moment. " Rio did explain. "If thee'd liketh, i couldst introduceth thee guys some timeth! mine own sist'r is quaint closeth to Flora's p'rsonality." Rio wast trying to avoideth declaring Flora wast in the village f'r the moment, but Christina sure didst maketh things sore!

Christina grunt'd and focus'd backeth on the path ahead. "It's quite momentous yond thee didst survive all of these years out in the wild. Many w're sure yond someone as base as thee wouldst has't kicked the bucket within months, but thee did manage!"

"Nit sure if 't be true yond's a compliment 'r fig. "

"You guys argueth way to much!" Ruri finally chim'd in. "Can't thee two just stand ho arguing until we reacheth the village?" Rio and Christina both did look at each oth'r f'r a quick second bef're whipping heads hence in disgust. "I bethought as much. "

"It's not p'rsonal. " Christina mumbl'd.

"Except tis!" Rio did snap. "I showeth up as a non-royal one day and thee immediately gage misprise on me!"

"Not true!" Christina did argue. "I just hath decided yond thee w're not did qualify to stayeth in the prestigious school with me and mine own sist'r! An outsid'r liketh thee wouldst nev'r und'rstand!"

"I bethink yond this is going to beest a longeth journey backeth. " Ruri did whin'd.


"We'll haply if 't be true thee w'ren't so dumb i wouldst findeth thee tis fine!" Christina spat.

"Oh f'rgive me thy highness!" Rio jok'd. "I am so in the wrong! the w'rld of a beltrum royal wilt beest the sooth!"

"would thee two prithee just break thee off!" Ruri plead'd. "Look! the village is just up ahead! i'm sure yond if 't be true thee two art quiet f'r the rest of the way, chief yuba shall giveth us a feast!" Rio kneweth yond his cousin wast trying to did shut those folk up, but rio didn't knoweth if 't be true yond wast possible.

"Tell yond to this clotpole!" Christina groan'd.

"It wast thee who is't did start the feud!" Rio did shoot backeth.

"Ye, a feast shall nev'r befall. " ruri sigh'd. "I just desire this doesn't continueth at which hour we arriveth in the village. Wouldn't behold valorous on a family m'ral charteth. "

Aft'r Ruri hadst hath said all yond, Rio did look at the village. T did look as if 't be true ev'ryone in the entire lodging wast th're and waiting with anxious faces. "Christina, couldst thee sitteth with Ruri f'r a moment so i can checketh something out? unless thy not capable. "


Christina proudly stoodeth with ruri on the hill as rio head'd down. "i wast hoping the lady'd concur. I needeth to talketh with Yuba, Celia, and Flora bef're taking princess christina into our village. This couldst wend south. "

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