Chapter 11: Crush?

Start from the beginning

They walked quietly till they entered the market.

"How much distance from here?" Aaradhya asked hesitantly.

"Keep walking for 10 minutes more." He answered looking at her.

"So how is this city treating you?" He asked after a few minutes.

"Fine." She answered simply. What else can she say? Oh yes! She can ask the same question from him too.
"And you?"

"Amazing I might say till now. I love it here."

Aaradhya rolled her eyes. Yes of course! Amazing. Having a line of fan girls and so much attention he must feel like a celebrity.

"What?" He asked.


"You rolled your eyes at my answer. Why?"

"I did not." She lied.

"You just did!"

"No! Why would I do that?"

"That's what I am asking."

"I did not do anything like that. And where the hell is that tea stall? It seems like we are walking for an hour now. " she tried to change the topic.

"You see that reg flag. It's just beside that."

Aaradhya took a breath of relief. She was successful in diverting his attention from that topic. They reached the stall. It was small and had few seats. She took a seat while Abhi went to give the order. It looked like the owner knew Abhi by now. She never thought him to be a person drinking tea on a roadside stall. He gave that Starbucks guy vibe. Soon he returned with two cups.

"So how is it?" Abhi asked her after a few sips.

"It's awesome. I never knew they make such fantastic tea here. Thank you for telling me about this place. " she said genuinely. The tea at their hostel was horrible. And she was a tea addict. It seems like this is going to be her favourite place from now on.

"You're welcome. See hanging out with me has many more benefits than others."

Se very well understands what others mean here.

"Do you have any problem with Dev?" She finally asked. He keeps bringing him up every now and then. And he also called him a cockroach-shaped face man. Dev is her good friend. She won't tolerate anything against him anymore.

"No. Do you think he is capable of causing any problem to me?" He answered looking at her.

"Then why do you keep bringing him up in every conversation? He is a good friend of mine....."

"Just friend? I thought you guys progressed a little." He cut her in between.

"Excuse me. Even if we progressed or not that is none of your business. I think I already told you that. Do you ever find me asking about you and Teena? In the same way, I don't want you asking any personal questions from me."

"Ok ok, I am sorry. I didn't know you would be offended. I was just joking. I'll keep that in mind. And about Teena and me, we are also just friends ." he answered calmly.

"Good for you. It's getting late. We should leave."

After 20 minutes Aaradhya was in her hostel room arranging her almirah.
Living in a hostel is a very tough task. You have to do the cleaning, dishes laundry and many more things.

"You were 45 minutes late today? Why?" Tanu asked entering the room.

"I.. I went to have tea. I found a very nice tea stall there. I'll take you there someday. "

"You went alone? You should have called me."

"No not alone. Abhi was with me." She said looking anywhere but at Tanu.

"Oh here is the main news," Tanu smirked.

"What news?"

"You went on a tea date with Abhi."

"What? No. Not at all. It was just a treat from his side because I am helping him with that lesson."

"Yeah, whatever convinces you. " Tanu rolled her eyes.

Tanu's phone rang and Tanu went to the balcony to attend it. Aaradhya threw thanks upwards. Otherwise, she was going to tease her till death. Whenever she thinks of maintaining her distance from Abhi, something comes up. Tomorrow is the last day. She will complete the lesson. She is not going to take responsibility for any other chapter. There are many other students to help him anyways.

The next day they had a very hectic schedule. In the Histology lab, unknowingly Aaradhya kept looking at Abhi's table now and then. She could see Teena and Abhi chattering almost every time she looked. She can even see Teena blushing sometimes. Well! Abhi has a way with his words.

Abhi and Aaradhya entered the library at the same time. They greeted each other with a smile and went to their usual seat.
After one and a half hours the chapter was completed and Aaradhya took a breath of relief. Done. Now back to maintaining distance mission.

"Thank you very much. You made my work so easy. I hope I can still contact you if I get some doubts." Abhi said while packing his stuff.

"Yeah, sure! But I don't think now you would need my help anymore..... Bye" and with that Aaradhya exited the library.

The next day Aaradhya was called in the auditorium by the seniors. And her heartbeat increased as she saw the one and only person she hated here, sitting on a chair surrounded by his four friends.

"No greetings?" he asked cocking his eyebrows.

"Good morning Yuvraaj sir." She replied calmly.
But why has he called her? This man is bad news and she doesn't know why everything she wants to never cross a path with, is coming rolling towards her.

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