Chapter 9

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A few hours after their performance, the Bellas and Chad headed to a casino where DJ Khaled could be found.

"Alright, everyone. Let's split up, divide and conquer. Chad, Lily, you're with me," Aubrey decided.

Just then, Chloe noticed someone Beca met backstage earlier that day.

"There's that guy. Hide!" Chloe whispered as she shoved Beca behind a plant.

"Why are we hiding?" Beca asked just seconds before she noticed Chloe groping her. "Um, dude...what is this?"

"What are you guys doing?" Aubrey asked, noticing what was going on.

"Nothing!" Beca and Chloe responded, trying to cover up what just happened.

"Should I be concerned?" Chad whispered to Aubrey.

"Not really," Aubrey whispered back to Chad.

"Hey, Chad...can I talk to you about something?" Beca asked.

"Sure," Chad said before he motioned to Aubrey. "Excuse me, babe."

Beca and Chad went to sit down at a nearby table.

"So, what's on your mind?" Chad asked.

"I was just do you put up with Aubrey?" Beca asked.

"Uh, can you elaborate?" Chad asked, confused by Beca's question.

"Well, when I was a freshman at Barden, she was captain of the Bellas and was pretty much set in her ways," Beca explained. "But she mellowed out some, not long after I joined."

"Aubrey did mention she was a little uptight back then, but she really has seemed to mellow out," Chad said. "But if you want my two cents - you know she's a better person now, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think she is," Beca agreed.

"What are you guys talking about?" Aubrey asked.

"Hey, babe. Beca was filling me in on another interesting story about the Bellas," Chad said.

"Oh yeah, there's a lot of stories where that came from," Aubrey confirmed.

At that point, Theo (a young man who worked for DJ Khaled) found Beca and took her to look at a mixer which she had some fun playing around with. While Beca was busy with the mixer, the other Bellas spent time mingling when Aubrey accidentally knocked over a lit candelabra. That accident created chaos, starting a fire and allowing an apiary of bees that DJ Khaled kept in his suite to escape. Beca was still busy with the mixer, unaware of the chaos going on behind her, but she and the others eventually made it out okay.

The next morning, the Bellas were outside their hotel with their luggage, about to head to the next stop on the tour. While sitting outside, they looked back on the chaos from the previous night while being teased by their competition.

"Next time, when you're trying to impress DJ Khaled, try to have some dignity," Calamity said.

"Would you get out of here?!" Chad yelled, annoyed.

After the other bands left, Chad took a moment to calm down before standing to address the Bellas.

"Guys, you can't let what happened last night get you down. If DJ Khaled doesn't pick you ladies to open for him, it won't be because of what happened last night. So, let's buck up and get ready for the next show," Chad advised.

"Chad's right. We shouldn't let one mishap get in the way of what we came here to do," Emily agreed.

"Yep. And don't listen to what your competition just said. They're just trying to get inside your head. What really matters is that we all stay true to ourselves," Chad said as the Bellas agreed.

At that point, Chloe got a FaceTime request from Stacie. Turns out Stacie's new baby girl named Bella had just been born.

The Military Connectionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें