Chapter 3

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On August 11th, Aubrey drove up to the house where Chad and his mother were living.

"Is this the place?" Aubrey asked before getting out of her car to ring the doorbell.

"Aubrey!" Chad exclaimed, answering the door.

"Chad!" Aubrey said as the two shared a hug.

"So glad you could make it. Come on in," Chad said, motioning for Aubrey to enter the house.

"Nice place you got here," Aubrey said.

"Thanks," Chad said as his mother, Kathy Donaldson, came out of the kitchen.

"Oh, you must be the girl my son's been dating," Kathy said.

"Yes. Mom, this is my girlfriend, Aubrey," Chad said, introducing her.

"It's nice to meet you, Aubrey," Kathy replied, shaking Aubrey's hand, impressed with her firm handshake.

"Likewise," Aubrey said, accepting the handshake.

"And I'm so glad you could join us for dinner tonight. Why don't you both have a seat at the table? Dinner will be ready shortly," Kathy said before Chad escorted Aubrey to the table.

Despite a few ups and downs, the dinner with Chad's mom went smoothly for the young couple. Chad's mom definitely approved of Aubrey, which was a good sign for their relationship. Starting the week of August 19th, Aubrey and Chad agreed to three date nights a week. However, they weren't always on the same days every week due to both of their work schedules. Things worked out so well that by October 13th, Chad was prepared for one of the biggest decisions of his life. One he wasn't sure his mother would agree with. And the info all went down at the dinner table.

"Mom, I've come to a big decision," Chad said, feeling slightly awkward and at a loss for words.

"Oh, I hope it's a good one," Kathy said.

"I think it is. I'm saving up all my paychecks to buy an engagement ring," Chad announced.

"Already?!" Kathy asked.

"Yeah," Chad said.

"But you and Aubrey have only been dating for three months. Have you really thought this through?" Kathy asked.

"I have. I know it's a longshot, but Dad once said, 'If you want something in life, don't be afraid to go after it,'" Chad explained.

"I guess that makes sense. You sure learned a lot from your father. You're not planning on proposing to her tonight, are you?" Kathy asked.

"Oh, no. I'm spending New Year's Eve with her. And at the stroke of midnight is when I plan to pop the question," Chad explained.

"Then, for both of your sakes, good luck to you," Kathy said.

"Thanks, Mom. You're the best," Chad said.

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