Chapter 7

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The next day at a local dress shop,

"Well, ladies - time to pick out bridesmaid's dresses," Aubrey said.

"What color are we looking for?" Chloe asked.

"Well, I think red, navy blue, and dark green would all work," Aubrey thought aloud. What do you ladies think?"

"Red sounds like a good color," Stacie suggested.

"What about black?" Amy asked.

"No, black is too goth, and Aubrey is NOT goth," Beca protested. "Besides, it's a wedding, not a funeral. We need something festive."

"I agree with Stacie's idea of the color red," Chloe said.

"Yeah, that's the perfect color for our dresses," Beca agreed.

"Sold! Red it is," Aubrey said.

Her bridesmaids spent the next half hour trying on red dresses before each deciding on one.

Four days later, Chad and Aubrey's alarm clock rang.

"Morning, Aubrey," Chad said, yawning.

Aubrey stretched and looked at her fiance, "Morning, Chad."

"Let's go; we got a flight to catch in six hours," Chad said.

"Chad, it's only six in the morning," Aubrey protested.

"First of all, you say that like you don't remember the fact that I'm up at 6 a.m. every day. Secondly, since it's an international flight, we need to show up at the airport three hours in advance," Chad said.

"Fine! Just give me a moment," Aubrey grumped.

"Very well. I'm gonna go take a quick shower and then make some breakfast," Chad said.

One hour later, Aubrey headed down to the kitchen, where Chad had finished making breakfast.

"Hmm, do I smell scrambled eggs?" Aubrey asked, hopefully.

"Sure do, babe," Chad said as he gave Aubrey a plate of eggs.

"I got to say, I definitely enjoy your cooking," Aubrey remarked.

"Thanks, babe," Chad said as they both finished their breakfast.

"Alright, I'll go take a quick shower. You all set to head for the airport? Our Uber's going to be here soon," Aubrey asked.

"Yep. I'm going to go take a quick shower before we leave," Chad said.

By eight in the morning, Chad and Aubrey were on their way to the airport to catch their flight to Spain and meet up with the other Bellas. By noon, their plane was in the sky. They had a layover in London which lasted a good two hours. The following morning, they and the rest of the Bellas landed in Spain.

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