Chapter 5

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Chad and Aubrey had been dating for five months, and on New Year's Eve at 11:59 p.m., Chad was prepared to make a bold move.

"One more minute!" Aubrey said, feeling excited.

"How exciting, babe!" Chad exclaimed, feeling elated.

"I can't imagine what 2017 has in store for us," Aubrey said.

"I know, right?!" Chad said.

As the ball drop continued on TV, they both counted down to the new year.

"Ten, Nine, Eight," they hollered and counted down to one. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" they both yelled as they shared a midnight kiss and clinked together glasses of champagne.

"You know, there's only one way I can think of to start the new year perfectly..." Chad said.

"What's that?" Aubrey asked as Chad pulled out a small box containing an engagement ring and got down on one knee.

"Aubrey Posen...will you marry me?" Chad asked as Aubrey looked at the ring, feeling speechless for a few seconds before answering.

"YES! I'd be honored to marry you!" Aubrey happily said as Chad put the ring on Aubrey's finger, and they shared a kiss before going to bed.

At about 9 a.m. After spending New Year's Eve with Aubrey, Chad returned home feeling the happiest he'd ever been before.

"Mom, I'm home," Chad yelled, coming into the house.

"Hey, Chad. How was New Year's Eve with Aubrey? Did she say yes?" Kathy asked.

"Well, Mom, I am excited to announce that Aubrey and I are officially...ENGAGED!" Chad announced, prompting a gasp from his mother.

"Oh, honey, I am so proud of you. You finally found the woman you want to marry," Kathy said as she and her son shared a hug.

"You have no idea, Mom," Chad said as the two broke away from their hug.

"This is the happiest I've been since your father enlisted in the Air Force," Kathy admitted.

"Maybe one of these days we'll see him again. But he's always in our thoughts. In fact, I plan to call him today about my engagement. I'm going to go call him right now!" Chad said as he went upstairs to his bedroom.

On January 13th, Kathy started noticing Chad packing up his room.

"You moving away?" Kathy asked.

"Aubrey and I talked it over, and now that we're engaged, I decided I'm finally ready to move in with her. She's got enough space in her apartment for me, so it should work out no problem," Chad explained.

"Well, just promise you'll come and visit periodically," Kathy asked.

"Of course I will," Chad promised as he and his mother shared an emotional hug before he resumed packing.

On Valentine's Day 2017, Aubrey was wearing a full-length red cocktail dress when Chad came home.

"Aubrey, I'm home. You'll never guess what I got you," Chad said, holding a bouquet of roses.

Aubrey gasped, "Awww, Chad, you got me roses?"

"Do you like them?" Chad asked.

"They're so beautiful. This was so thoughtful of you. Thank you, Chad. And Happy Valentine's Day," Aubrey said.

"Same to you, Aubrey," Chad replied as the two shared a kiss.

"So, where are we going for dinner tonight?" Aubrey asked.

"I got us reservations at this Italian place a few blocks from here," Chad said.

"Sounds great. Lead the way," Aubrey said as the two headed for Chad's car.

Chad drove her to an Italian restaurant nearby, where he had already made reservations. It was their first Valentine's Day together since they got engaged. They had a lot to talk about that evening, such as their future and how happy they were that they found each other. They both decided to split a pizza, and whatever they couldn't finish, they put into a to-go box to take home. When the dinner ended, they both drove back to their place and put their leftovers in the fridge before sitting down on the couch to enjoy a romantic movie.

Six months later, Aubrey and Chad's mother were dress shopping.

"Well, Aubrey, if this wedding is going to go perfectly, we need the perfect dress for you," Kathy said.

Aubrey tried on five different wedding dresses. The last one was the one she and her future mother-in-law both liked best: a spaghetti strap, mermaid style dress.

"You look fantastic in that dress!" Kathy exclaimed.

Aubrey stood on the platform, turning, looking at herself in the mirror from all angles. "I think this might be the one," she said, smiling.

"Honey, you're going to make an absolutely beautiful bride. Chad won't be able to take his eyes off of you," Kathy continued.

The bridal salon attendant came over to check on the two women. "Well, what do you think?" she said. "You look lovely! Would you like to try some veils and headpieces to go with it?"

"Yes, please!" Aubrey exclaimed.

After trying a few, Aubrey found one that took her breath away - a fingertip-length veil with an attached tiara. She clapped her hands in excitement, seeing everything come together in the full-length mirror. "This is it! This is definitely the one!"

"Good choice, Aubrey," Kathy smiled.

She and Aubrey turned to the attendant. "We'll take it!" they said in unison.

"Okay then!" the attendant smiled back, pleased. "I'll get the seamstress in here, and we'll figure out what size to order."

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