Jay knew how troubled Pranav was. He knew, Pranav was not in best of his physical and emotional health. He was struggling with his own fears.

Jay gave a clipped smile.

"He is as always, busy with his work."

Jay decided to hide the fact that Pranav recently had an episode of nosebleed, due to hypertension.

"And, what about Shraddha and Kabir?" His father prodded.

"Both are good. Kabir is growing up to be naughty little prince." Jay replied.

His father nodded in content.

After a moment of utter silence, his father looked up to find Jay lost in deep thoughts.
Jay was lost in his own world. Had Diya been alive, his father might have fondly asked about her too.
But another thought disturbed him as he thought that had Diya been alive, he wouldn't have come here with the motive in mind.

"Jay?" His father called out and Jay was brought out of his reverie.

"I have found a good match for you. She is a daughter of one of our alliance, just like Shraddha. There is no need to hurry. But you should meet and talk to each other. See how things turn out."

Jay widened his eyes and parted his lips.

He looked away after a moment and cleared his throat.

"I am not looking for any such relationship, Dad. I need some time. Maybe forever." Jay replied sternly.

His father did not like it, but decided to let go of the matter, as he had seen his son after a long time.

That night and next day, Alex was always around Gautam Agarwal. Gautam was being assisted in every single thing, even before he asked for it.

Alex was there in the bedroom and even while Gautam wanted to sleep.

Initially, it was annoying. Later, it was frustrating.

Gautam let it go for one day, but next day, it was too much to take, when Alex insisted to stay in the bathroom, after he had drawn a tub full of water for Gautam's bath.

Gautam first asked and then ordered him to leave. But the robot programmed for following his master everywhere refused to do so, even after a stern warning.
Furious Gautam tried to push him out of the bathroom. Sudden attack activated the defense mechanism and Alex pushed Gautam in the bath tub full with water. The electric current in the water, sent by the defensive robot made Gautam wriggle like a helpless fish.

The electric current was too strong to be tolerated by human and Gautam was lying lifeless in the water in a few seconds.

When Alex pulled his hand out of the water, it was too late.

Alex walked out of the bathroom to Jay's room and narrated the whole incident. Jay smiled.

He pretended to rush to his father's room and called the house help for assistance. Unconscious Gautam was laid down on bed and doctors were called, who declared him dead, due to electrocution.

A police complaint was filed and Pranav was met with a bunch of officers, who were recording statements of Jay, who appeared extremely exhausted and broken.
Jay rushed in his brother's arms and everyone was moved by the way, the young boy broke down yet again for the loss of another loved one.

Pranav was too shocked by the events and appeared completely lost.
He had no energy left to mourn his father's loss.

What Jay did not understand was, why was Pranav more vulnerable after the death of his father.
Shouldn't he be relieved that there was no more threat?

What he did not know was, by his actions, he had closed the last door for Pranav to find Diya. According to Pranav, only his father was aware of where Diya was.
But he did not know if he should blame Jay for that.

Jay had technically nothing to do with the incident, apart from requesting a program that would activate self defense as a reaction to loud words or physical attack. He knew, his father had a thin patience. He knew, his father would at least raise a hand.
He just did not know that this would happen so soon.

Jay looked at Alex, as he was being packed and parceled in the same wooden box.
The police had concluded him to be unsafe for serving humans. According to them, such intelligent robot's should only be used in research centers.

Jay agreed to their decision and decided to let go of Alex.

His work was done.
Alex's work was done.

Another chapter up



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