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Dani watches Haerin and Hanni driving away as she comes out from the uni. She doesn’t want to overthink but she just can't help herself from doing it. She has been friends with Haerin since she was 6 and it will be really hard for her to see Haerin getting a massive heartbreak. She really cares for Haerin a lot and her being a stupid is the reason Dani always has to worry for her best friend.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Dani comes back to reality from her thoughts after hearing it. She looks beside her and sees Minji curiously looking at her.

"Ah Minji, you almost surprised me" Dani says while holding her chest.

"I am the only surprise in your life anyway" Minji chuckles.

"You know what, you are not really that good at flirting" Dani teases which makes Minji frown.

"Alright then, I will go and try flirting with someone else who is going to like it" Minji says and starts walking away.

"No wait, don't you dare Kim Minji" Dani shouts while running towards Minji and grabs her arm.

"Why? You don't like it so I will go do it with someone else" Minji shrugs and keeps walking.

Dani chases Minji and grabs her arm again. But this time she makes Minji face her and she wraps her arms around Minji's neck pulling her closer

"Even if I don't like it, you can only do this with me. No one else" Dani says while smiling and brushing her nose slightly with Minji's.

Minji's face starts burning and gets red immediately. Surely she blushes a lot lightly whenever she is with Dani and Dani touches her. But this is the first time Dani is doing something so bold which is making her blush furiously.

"Uhm we are in public" Minji looks away for blushing so much.

"Oh yeah" Dani lets go of Minji and starts wheezing.

"Wh-why are you wheezing?" Minji frowns.

"If you just could see yourself, then you would also wheeze. You are blushing too much and your face is red like tomato" Dani keeps wheezing.

"Shut up" Minji tries to sound annoyed and starts walking away again.

"Wait baby, I am sorry" Dani wheezes while reaching Minji and holds her hand to walk with Minji.

Dani really has no idea since when Minji became so whipped for her. Because last time she remembered that she was the extremely whipped one who kept hopping around Minji like a puppy. At first she thought Minji is probably a tough person but the more she got close to her the more she got to know about Minji being nothing but another soft and cute puppy. She is kinda bad at expressing herself but Dani manages to understand everything even if Minji can't express. 

Dani still can't believe that she accidentally confessed to Minji two weeks ago and to her surprise Minji even accepted it. And from Dani, Minji got to know the whole tea about Haerin and Hanni. She was wheezing hard when Dani told her that Haerin disliked her and was jealous of her because of it. But in the end Dani is happy to be with Minji. She never knew that she actually fell this hard for Minji until Minji started treating Dani like love of her life. It feels so good to be loved by Minji, it feels so good to love Minji.

"By the way, did you tell Haerin?" Minji asks.

"About?" Dani looks at Minji.

"Us" Minji's eyes spark while saying which makes Dani smile automatically.

"Not yet, you know she is still dealing with Hanni" Dani says.

"Everything between them is keep getting complicated" Minji sighs.

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