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"Haerin, get up and eat something. You haven’t eaten anything the whole day" Hyein says while patting Haerin's back lightly.

After coming back home, Haerin straight came to her room and buried her face in her pillow. She didn’t change her outfits nor cleaned herself up. She isn't crying or anything. She is extremely sad. And she doesn’t want to do anything except hiding her face in her pillow.

"Haerin" Hyein calls her again.

"Hyein please leave me alone. I am not feeling good" Haerin raises her head a bit to say before burying her face again.

Hyein sighs and decides to leave Haerin alone. But a sudden person opening the door and coming inside lights her face up.

"Yunjinnnnn" Hyein excitedly sequels.

"Wassup lil one" Yunjin gets inside and hugs Hyein.

"Missed you a lottt" Hyein pouts.

"Missed you guys too. That's why I came here to visit you two" Yunjin pats Hyein's head.

Haerin can hear both of them giggling and talking to each other right beside her bed. But she has no interest in joining them or something. She just wishes that she could bury herself alive or something to make her pain go away. 

"Haerin, what's wrong?" Yunjin sits beside Haerin and starts stroking the back of her hair.

"Look Yunjin, she has been staying like this for hours after coming back from uni. Didn’t change,clean up or eat anything. Whenever I am telling her to come eat at least she is just telling me to leave" Hyein explains to Yunjin.

"Really? Hey Kang kitty. What's wrong? Get up" Yunjin pats on Haerin's back.

"No I am fine" Haerin mumbles which sounded so unclear since she is hiding her face still.

"See? Something is definitely not okay" Hyein says.

"Enough Kang Haerin. Get up" Yunjin holds Haerin's shoulders and pulls her up to make her sit on the bed.

Both Yunjin and Hyein notice how red and swollen Haerin's eyes are. Also her nose seems so red and she keeps sniffing. It seems like she has been crying silently for hours already. 

"Haerin? Were you crying? What's wrong?" Yunjin asks, worried.

"Nothing" Haerin replies with her broken voice and tries not to make any eye contact with Yunjin or Hyein.

"Clearly something is wrong. Stop lying to us" Hyein strictly says.

"I told you it's nothing" Haerin sighs and sniffs again.

"Haerin, we are your cousins. And we have been close since forever. We aren’t supposed to hide things from each other you know? So tell me dear, what's wrong? We are here for you" Yunjin caresses Haerin's cheek.

Haerin just sighs and fixes her posture to lean on the wall beside her bed. She also takes one pillow and puts it on her lap. 

"Does it have something to do with Hanni?" Hyein asks while scooting over Haerin's bed.

Haerin nods and wipes her eyes to stop the tears from rolling down.

"What exactly happened?" Yunjin softly asks.

"I was asking her what she thinks about lgbtqa community" Haerin starts saying with her broken voice.

"Then?" Yunjin raises her brow.

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