Chapter 18: Campfire Songs!

Start from the beginning

Laminitus orders her men to take aim at Diablo's group, ready to shoot them.

(Y/N): Tch...!

As any one of you was about to do something until...

Lumachina: Please, wait! This man is not the one you should turn your weapons on. He and his friends saved this town and myself, too. And now, he fights to help others. I swear that he is no enemy to the mortal races.

Laminitus: Then why does he call himself a Demon Lord?!

Lumachina: B-Because...

Rem: Laminitus! We're currently heading to a dungeon to obtain a treasure that will cure the Death Knell Disease!

Shera: Could you please wait until we return with that treasure?

(Y/N): I know you must be thinking that it's impossible, but it's true! We shall get back the cure for the disease!

Leafa: Please believe us!

Laminitus: Is that so? What would you lot gain from that?

Lumachina: Please look at this.

Lumachina then opens her skirt and reveals her three marks of the Death Knell Disease, shocking everyone upon seeing it.

Lumachina: These people are heading to the dungeon to save those like me, who are plagued with the Death Knell Disease.

Laminitus: Oh? In that case, you'll have to tell me more about this. *Raises her left hand* Seize them!

(Y/N): You piece of...

Diablo: *Raises his wand* O Eart, pulse violently! Earth Bounce!

A white pentagram appears around the group as Laminitus and her crew started trembling as if they were encountering an earthquake, except for (Y/N) and the others that are not affected by the magic.

Shera: O-Only the ground around us isn't shaking?

(Y/N): Yup!

Leafa: Let's all stick with Diablo! Do not leave this circle at once!

Diablo: You hear them! Now let's start running!

And just like that (Y/N) and the group started running away somewhere away from the Zircon Tower City until nightfall.

-Time Skip at Night-

Later at night, everyone camped out next to a destroyed ship after getting away from Laminitus.

Shera: Jeez, I'm starving! (Y/N), is dinner ready already?

(Y/N): Hold on, hold on, give me a second...

Leafa then pulls out a wooden plate and a plastic bag. She then used the plastic bag to put inside the wooden plate so it wouldn't get messy. After that, she puts 7 pebbles on the plate and hands it to you.

You took the plate from her hands and point your finger at the pebbles and said...

(Y/N): Turn into Mondstadt Grilled Fish!

You used your Food Beam skill as the 7 pebbles turned into freshly cooked Mondstadt Grilled Fish with a stick.

You used your Food Beam skill as the 7 pebbles turned into freshly cooked Mondstadt Grilled Fish with a stick

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How Not To Summon a Demon Lord...and his Juniors! (H.N.T.S.a.D.L X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now