73. Up For The Challenge

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2 years later and Shelby free.

Cora woke up tangled in Alfie and Cyril was drooling at the bottom of the bed and Charlie was already up running up and down the hall as if he was given a pot of coffee already. It was perfect and peaceful, the chaos that was theirs and no one else's.

Cora spilled out of bed and spilled back on her ring, she admired it on her finger, she couldnt stop. She loved being married to Alfie, he was the man she wanted and almost lost. But that was never happening again. No more Shelby drama.

Cora got to making breakfast with Charlie, he requested waffles and as Cora was having cravings every day was waffles and whipped cream day. Charlie rinsed the fruit while Cora poured the batter. Charlie opened his mouth wide and she dolloped some whipped cream on his tongue then on her own. Charlie giggled out as he licked his lips.

"Daddy, can we put it together?" Charlie questioned. "I can help, I'm really strong, mama tells me all the time."

"You are strong." Alfie agreed. "Help me get this stupid box open." Charlie tugged like his life depended on it before Alfie cut the sides and Charlie smiled sheepishly back at him.

"I was about to do that." Charlie remarked.

"Sure you were." Alfie agreed as he moved to the kitchen, he poured a cup of coffee but left it steaming on the counter steaming away as he moved to Cora kissing along her neck she leaned back into him. He ran his hands over her his beard scratching along her neck with every kiss.

"Morning." Cora whispered kissing him.

"Oh, you taste sweet, someone get into the whipped cream already?" Alfie teased turning her to him.

"Best way to start the day." Cora agreed.

"I can think of one better." Alfie corrected. She leaned back on the counter Alfie's hands still running over her, lips still consuming her neck and his hands slipped under her shirt teasing lightly at her chest.

"Is there supposed to be instructions?" Charlie called out. "Mama doesnt use instructions though." He added with a shrug.

"He's not wrong." Cora agreed. "Come on eat first." Cora plated the food and Alfie kept a hand on her as they moved to the table. Charlie practically engulfed his food before Alfie took a sip of his coffee.


"That was useless." Alfie declared flopping down beside cora. "These instructions- God whoever made this thing, they are idiots." Cora laughed out.

"Mama, please!" Charlie begged holding up a piece. "If we dont have a crib then the baby can't come."

"He's got a point." Cora agreed. "I can call my father, he is a handy man."  Alfie scoffed.

"I dont need you dad thinking I can't handle putting a crib together." Alfie corrected and Cora chuckled as she ran a hand through Alfie's hair and down his chest.

"You are a great husband, a great father to Charlie, Alfie." Cora remarked. "I have complete faith in you that you will be an amazing father to this baby too. But my father will understand if you can't-"

"Shut up." Alfie corrected. "I can handle this."

"Of course, I know you are up for the challenge, you married me after all. I know you can finish..." Cora teased, his tongue peaked out between his lips as he stared back at her.

"Yeah, I can gorgeous... you need a reminder?" Alfie agreed capturing her hand between his and his chest. His heat radiating off of him made her feel all warm inside. Before he pulled her closer his body covered hers. She couldnt stop smiling as he devoured her.

"Stay on task people. We got a baby coming!" Charlie declared.

"I love you Mrs. Solomons." Alfie remarked running a hand over Cora's stomach.

"I love you Mr. Solomons."


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