25. Pish Posh

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'The cleaning job's gone. Vacancy's filled.' Arthur remarked as he opened up the garrison

'I'm not a cleaner. But I have come to clean away some dirt.' She shouted pulling out a gun. Arthur picked back up his drink bored.

'Why don't you put that away before it goes off?' he said with a sigh

'You killed my son! You Peaky bastard!' she sobbed out 'You beat him and beat him and beat him.'

'Your son was a boxer.' Arthur reminded her

'No! He was a boy who got into a ring with an animal.' She whimpered

'Yeah, ain't that the truth.' He admitted

'I've come to stop you because the coppers and nobody else will.' She held the gun out as he got closer.

'If you're going to use it, point that thing at my head. That's where the trouble is. Gut-shot soldiers take half a day to die. I've seen 'em. Walking around with their guts in their arms like dirty washing. Hold that gun up and do it!' he demanded 'fucking do it! Do it!' she panted nervously taking a step back.

'I'm going to finish my drink..' Arthur remarked as he grabbed his glass 'You can finish it with me, if you like.' Her gun went off it broke the mirror behind him she screamed stumbling back. Arthur took her gun emptying it on the table. He put down his drink in front of her. 'Now, look. Look at me. We've got a fund. For you. You'll get paid weekly. I know it won't bring back your son. I know that. You have other sons. You do. And we'll find them work. And you won't have to work.' Arthur told her calmly. 'You'll be...' but she lunged at him screaming

'Somebody has got to stop you people.' She sneered tears in her eyes as she headed out.

'Who broke the fucking mirror? Seven years' bad luck, that is.' John remarked heading into the back room.


'There'll be another four boatloads tomorrow. What's up, Charlie? Business is good.' Tommy remarked.

'This isn't business, this is bloody work. Cigarettes and booze is all right, but this manufactured stuff, it's heavy.' Charlie complained. 'I'm not even sure it's stolen.'

'Some of it is legally purchased. One day, all of it will be.' Tommy said happily

'It's like having a fucking job.' Charlie remarked 'Hey! Easy with them fan belts.' He shouted back at the workers. Charlie looked back at Tommy. 'I'll wipe that smile off your face. I want another pound a boat.'

'Done.' Tommy agreed

'You don't even fight me any more, what would Cora say? You have gone soft, submissive.' Charlie mused and tommy rolled his eyes. Cora was everyones favorite.

'And it's no sport getting through the Black Country with this truce. They just fucking wave at you from the bank.' Charlie went on

'Well, just wave back?' he suggested.

'And all these fucking cars. ' Charlie let out a sigh. 'When did you last ride a horse, Tom?'


'Last night one of our men got his throat cut in lock up.' Tommy told them the next morning at the meeting 'I got a telegram saying it was sabini who ordered it and-'

' it says Thomas Shelby is next' Arthur told them.

'If our men think we can't look after them in prison then they won't work for us.' Tommy reminded them.

'That's what you're worried about?' Pol questioned

'This isn't the first time that we've been threaten in our family and it definitely won't be the last.' John reminded them

"What are we going to do about it?' polly questioned

'You two,' Tom said pointing at some peakys. 'break a few windows get yourself arrested tell them your Peaky Blinders and they will move you to Green, find a man who did this and sort it out.' Tom instructed 'instead of breaking a few windows can we pinch a car I'm still on the donkey?' one of them questioned grinning.

'I don't care what you do, just get yourself arrested.' Tom told them sternly. 'And before you all laugh a boys dead, he was just a kid.' Tommy told them. 'Will start a fund for his family'

'Agreed' Polly said 'Right is that it? can I go?' she questioned wanting to get back to michael.

'Well as company treasurer I do need your permission to take 1000 guineas out.' Tommy said nonchalantly.

'On what?' polly questioned suddenly giving her full attention.

'On a horse.' Tommy told her calmly.

'1000 guineas on a horse? Why don't you tell me about this?' polly yelled.

'You were busy with Michael' Tom told her calmly

'So the absence of common sense you boys had the idea-' polly shook her head annoyed.

'look Polly it's an investment just like a house all betting horses make good money and doing this makes it harder for Sabinis police they won't know where will be hidden surrounded by a bunch of toffs.' Tommy told her, telling her the facts.

'Yeah we'll be drinking with the king of the Derby!' john called out grinning

'Derby?' polly questioned 'no no not the derby not the derby!' Polly said

'That's right for the last 10 years Sabini has made it his race' Tommy told them 'if we're going to take him down we might as will be there as a symbol.'

'Did you boys come up with it as idea in a pub by any chance?' Pol asked

'come on Pol, this is our in.' tommy told her.

'So when is the sale?' polly questioned finally getting on board.

'tomorrow.' Tommy told her

'I thought I told you to lock that?' Polly snapped

'He did I just use the key on the nail' Michael admitted coming to join the group 'look I've been listening and I want to go with them.' Polly looked like she might have a stroke. 'I love horses I could even help' Michael told her

'Over my dead body!' she told him

'it'll be all right mum, I've been to loads of horse auctions before with my uncle they are very respectful the people bring their butlers even.' Michael told her.

'And there Pish posh wives.' Arthur added.

'and their mistresses' John put in 'Cora loved the derby.' John said his eyes drifting to tom. 'Cora could come, keep an eye on him.'

'Let him come polly, come on we'll take care of him.' Tom informed her.

'No no fucking way!' polly told them 'Cora wouldn't agree to it either. So if you convince her then yes, but since I know she wont HA!' polly shouted.

'That's not fucking fair, I'm not a child!' Michael spat turning and walking away

'look polly, I get it but he'll be OK.' Tom told her. 'if you want him to keep calling you mum don't push him away.' Tommy told her.

Rebound // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now