32. Ritual

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Alfie walked in with a goat. A goat

'Who is this little guy?' Cora questioned petting him, he baaaed at her.

'Gorgeous.... what are you doing here?' Alfie said handing off the goat "I thought you were still with the Devil." Alfie said nodding to a guard at the door to keep the shelby's out.

"Just got back and wanted to deliver this," She held out his jacket. "As promised, hand delivered."

"You know I had an even better way of getting that back in mind." Alfie suggested vaguely as he walked her towards a back exit.

"Oh?" she asked intrigued.

"Yeah, I was thinking, you wear my jacket and I take it off you." Alfie told her with a grin.

"Sounds easy enough." Cora mused.

"No you see the tricky part is I don't want you wearing anything underneath." Alfie informed her.

"How is that tricky?" cora countered and Alfie licked at his lips. "What are you doing right now? some weird goat ritual?" Cora remarked.

"Gorgeous, I would love to consume that gorgeous body of yours all night long but I got some business." Alfie said annoyed that the shelby's were once again ruining his plans. He wrapped his jacket around her shoulders. "So you hold onto that and you give it back to me... tomorrow?" Alfie said hopefully.

"Tomorrow." Cora agreed pressing a kiss to his lips. "Bye Alfie."

"Bye Gorgeous." Alfie watched her go before he turned back to the front and nodded to let the shelbys in.

'Welcome, welcome,' Alfie said

'Mr. Solomon's' Arthur said with a forced smile.

'Arthur good to meet you' Alfie forced a similar smile. Welcoming them in.

'You too Alfie...' Arthur said uncomfortably. 'Shalom... let me just say...' arthur said smiling awkwardly at him.

'The Passover started off way out there in the far east' Alfie was telling them, 'out in the sand out in the desert where my forefathers came from... you know, the Jews and the brews whatever you wanna call them it all started out as a little speck.'

'Arthur, this doesn't feel right,' Billy whispered as the doors were locked shutting them in

'Billy, Billy don't worry mate if you want you can leave.' Alfie informed them. 'if you need to go to little boys room you can leave, we're gonna open the-'

'No he's alright, right billy?' arthur questioned

'Do you want to leave?' Alfie questioned staring down at him.

'No you're right' Billy agreed settling back in his seat.

'Do you want to stay?' Alfie pushed.

'Yeah, I will stay.'

'You stay then, OK so the pharaoh have you heard of him? He kept my people, the Jewish people in slavery for thousands and thousands of years.' Alfie went on.

'Persecuted race' Arthur shouted out. He looked back to the closed door.

'He did, he persecuted my race the killing of the innocent right? This feast that we are having here right is basically the day that when the Jewish Angels decided you know that the evil fucking Egyptian said push their fucking luck. Right, part of our tradition in order to make it good with God was to kill a king we have to carry out the korban pesach.' Alfie informed them.

'Right...' Arthur said slowly

'That is the ritual sacrifice of the Passover goat' Alfie told him he looked over to his goat

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