E14: Push & Pull

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Seok-ju produced a bowl out of nowhere and set it down in the middle of the coffee table. He took a seat on the couch, and rubbed his hands together. "Let's start."

"Do we have to do this?" Ji-woon asked. "There's a new episode of Stray Kids on."

Seok-ju laughed. "I don't think any of us really want to watch that. It's more like we have to."

"That doesn't change anything."

Geon glanced up from his phone. There was audio playing from it that Min-sik vaguely recognized as the theme for Stray Kids, but Geon quickly looked back down before Min-sik could catch his eye.

Min-sik nervously took a seat and peered over the table into the bowl, which held tens of peppers with what looked to be some soy glaze. "Bell peppers?" he questioned.

"Shishito peppers," Ji-woon corrected. "They're—you'll see."

That wasn't very comforting. "What's the game?" Min-sik asked.

"Never have I ever!" said Seok-ju.

Min-sik stared at him. "The children's game?"

"With a twist," said Seok-ju. "You know how to play?"

"I think I remember," said Min-sik, holding up five fingers.

"Nope," said Seok-ju. "Ten."

Min-sik followed his instructions. "Okay."

The other four boys around the table gradually did the same. "You start," Ji-woon said. "Since you're the new one."

"Okay." Min-sik shrugged. "Never have I ever been in love."

"Shit, really?" Seok-ju said, reaching into the middle. He took a pepper and bit down on the whole thing, leaving only the stem. He threw the stem into an empty bowl beside the main one and put down one of his fingers.

Ji-woon and Min-seok also took a pepper.

"Elaborate?" Seok-ju asked, looking at Ji-woon.

"Not part of the game," he replied, evidently blushing.

"Come on!"

Ji-woon looked down at the table in embarrassment.

"I'm not moving on until one of you responds," said Seok-ju.

"She was my girlfriend a year ago," said Min-seok in a bored tone of voice.

Seok-ju dropped the topic, evidently satisfied. "Never have I ever watched porn."

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