E7 : Up No More

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A/N: Sorry for the late update!

Without further ado...

Chul-soo had invited them out with the promise of getting them into a club. Min-sik had caved after being unable to make up an excuse, and he, Chul-soo, Min-gyu, and Sung-hoon found themselves waiting in a line outside a backdoor in Itaewon.

"Listen to me," said Chul-soo, chomping away at a corndog. "Itaewon is the lifeblood of the Korean youth."

"Nobody asked," said Min-gyu.

"Nobody doubted you, either," said Min-sik.

Chul-soo finished off his corndog and waved the stick around to emphasize his words. "Itaewon is where young people with ideas and dreams gather to express their emotions in the only way they know how—by drinking and dancing. And tonight, I promise you, we will do both, and we will do them well."

Sung-hoon clapped. "Great speech. Have you been pre-gaming?"


"Hey, Min-sik," said Min-gyu. "You watching Stray Kids?"

"What kind of question is that?" Sung-hoon demanded. "Everyone is!"

"I have been," said Min-sik. "I hate it." He hated it more because he knew a good few of the trainees taking part in the show—Bang Chan, especially. The two of them had worked on a monthly evaluation together in early 2016, back when Min-sik actually cared.

"Man, we all do," said Min-gyu. "Whenever these group formation shows happen, they're always so depressing."

"Oh, hold on, now," said Chul-soo. "You guys need to shut up."

The four of them stopped short in front of the bouncer. "ID?" asked the man roughly.

Chul-soo pulled out his fake. "I think Angle might have put my name on the list," he said.

"They did," said the bouncer. "How many of you?"


The bouncer handed his ID back. "Head on in. And don't try anything funny."

"Of course." Chul-soo led the four of them past the bouncer and through the door shrouded in black curtain.

"Is it just me, or does he totally know we're underage?" Sung-hoon questioned.

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