E8 : Next Page

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A/N: Isn't it great when a cliffhanger isn't the end of the season? This episode is titled after one of my favorite songs, too!

Hope you're ready to meet some new people. See you at the bottom.

Things had never been worse.

After sleeping on a park bench for one night, Min-sik discovered a men's hostel on the outskirts of southern Seoul. He spent the next few days pulling double shifts at his job at the chicken shop. The hour-long bus ride there and back was expensive, but it was the best Min-sik could do since the hostel was all he could afford.

It was five days after he'd been "rusticated" that Min-sik arrived at work in the morning to find his name had been taken off the shift clock. "Hey," he said to his manager in the break room. "What happened to my shifts?"

"Oh, uh, Min-sik," said the manager. "You... we've gotten a few complaints about the service lately that we've attributed to you. And with your inability to multitask, and you're... you seem distracted these days. We had to let you go."

"And you couldn't have at least called me?" Min-sik demanded.

"We tried, I promise. I'm sorry. But you can have a box of chicken, on the house."

Two hours later, Min-sik found himself sitting at an empty bench near an outdoor market, eating his box of free chicken. His manager had called him, but the notification had never showed up on his phone, and it wasn't like he had the money to buy a new one.

"At least I have chicken," Min-sik muttered. But even that wasn't too good, considering it was probably a batch he'd made.

"Han Min-sik?" came a voice from behind him.

Min-sik spun around on the bench with a chicken bone hanging out of his mouth. "Han-na!" he said, recovering fast enough to put the chicken back in the box. "W-what are you doing here?"

Han-na was wearing a cherry red coat with a matching floppy hat adorned with a knitted cherry. "I'm out with my friends," she said, gesturing to two other girls standing a little ways away, giggling at Min-sik. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," Min-sik lied. "Eating chicken. You know. Just got fired."

"Oh goodness, I'm so sorry," said Han-na, giving Min-sik an apologetic look. "How are you? What even happened?"

"Uh, I don't... I think it's best if I don't say."

"Well, the rumors—" Han-na ducked down to whisper. "The rumors were saying you and your friends hired a prostitute—"

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