Chapter 13: Seeds of Change

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A moment later, he recognised the scent, and relaxed.

"Our vampire is here."

Harkon was impressed, and made no effort to hide that, unlike what he had tried earlier. He'd tried to sneak up on them, half to test Wolf's senses and half because he had just felt like it.

"Hm, I'd say you're more perceptive than your father-"

"Greyhound's design is flawed, he can't exactly help it. First Generation seemed somewhat less receptive to the Third Generation enhancements."

"Sorry, poor phrasing on my part. I meant your senses are sharper than Fenris' are. If you two ever come to blows, you have to promise me I get to see that. It stands to be quite the spectacle."

Iph interjected, trying to steer the vampire back to the subject at hand.

"Getting a little ahead of yourself there. You came here to give us some additional information?"

"Ah, yes. Nothing too much, really. I am afraid that I must admit that it was somewhat of a poor ruse, so that I could be here in person."

Wolf rolled his eyes.

"Lemme guess, you wanna see how I fight?"

"Fully correct, young Wolf. But I do not come completely empty-handed. I have some interesting rumours as to what the Guild could be moving here."

Wolf jumped to his feet, walking up to the vampire.

"Do tell, what are they moving here, and why?"

"Some form of monster. Experimental, and created through several newly innovated alchemical procedures. It is honestly quite impressive how it is supposedly done, you see-"

"Please, save it for later. You can explain all about it someday, but when I'm properly drunk."

"Sorry. How familiar are you with golems?"

"It's a theoretical creature, but they haven't managed to make 'em move yet. Right?"

He looked at Iph for confirmation.

"Well... they move, but slowly and nowhere near fluently. There's no practical applications for a golem yet, especially with robotics making such massive strides."

Harkon nodded at Iph's statement, smiling with a glint in his eyes.

"Until a few days ago. They're bringing their results here to see how well they perform, but the Guild has made the first functional golems. They want to test them against some of GenTech's monsters on the island. They heard a rumour about a giant spider on the loose and thought it a great opportunity."

Wolf almost felt the regenerated flesh in his side tear again.

"I dealt with their opportunity. Not sorry about that either."

"Oh, the idea was poor, I won't argue on that."

Wolf looked at the surgeon.

"Think we can use that to get them to leave?"

"Maybe. It would make our lives a lot easier, at least."

"Good, because a ship full of people in trenchcoats is approaching, and that can't be anyone but mages."

Iph silently thanked the fact that she left her own trenchcoat in her closet. She'd considered wearing it, but was certain now she'd never have heard the end of it if she had.

Being stopped at the docks couldn't have been pleasant for the Guild mage in charge. Less pleasant was the fact that instead of an authority figure,he was met with what seemed to be a hobo vampire, a misplaced mage and some sort of deluded wannabe superhero.

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