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[The Camera showed Regulus sitting on the Slytherin table. she was eating breakfast with her friends Evan rosier and Barty Crouch Junior, the trio talking in hush whispers. She sneaked a glance on the Griffindor table, hoping to catch a view of her brother - the brother who had a fight with his parents , their parents"

'Is it showing your time in Hogwarts?' Nico asked.
'Yes when you all weren't listening the fates told me that it will be showing a time from fourth year to seventh year', Reg answered, already fearing the worst.
' Wait a second, Hogwarts? As in a school in Hecate's pet world? You are part of that?" Poseidon asked, worried.
'Yes father, I am, indeed.'

[Suddenly, a loud bang appeared, and the gates flew open to reveal the Marauders. Sirius Black found his sisters eyes, and once examining that she was not hurt, he sighed in relief. The Blacks shared a discreet nod and were soon continuing on their own lives.]

'Why don't you all sit at the same table?' Thalia inquisitively asked.

'Because my dearest cousin, we have four houses. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. The first two share a rivalry leading back to the founder's time, and as it would be, my brother and I were sorted into Slytherin and Gryffindor. The whole black family tree is known to be in Slytherin, and to add fuel to the flame, he was the first to be sorted into Gryffindor and to oppose our family.' Reg finished, looking at the mortified faces of both demigods and the Gods, horrified to think that eleven year olds were raised in a background like that.

[There is a time skip, and suddenly Regulus is shown waving goodbye to her best friends, as they left to search for their respective parents. Regulus and Sirius looked around for their house elf, seeing as their parents would not be there to receive them.]

Regulus : 'Are you sure that you would survive? You can go to Potter's for Christmas, seeing as I'm the only one for whom you stuck around, and besides, I have to go to retrieve 3 demigods.'

'Aww, look at Reggie talk about us!'

'Shut up Neeks'

Don't you think we should be talking about Reg's brother knows about our world?'

'It is her family, and based on what we have seen and heard, she is probably being abused and treated badly. So of course, she shared everything with him' Athena replies.

Sirius: 'But you will be home for Christmas, right? Because I want to share it with the only person sane enough with my bloodline.'

Regulus and Sirius laughed, before being interrupted by a familiar voice.
'Master and Mistress Black! Kreacher has come to take you home!'

'His name is Kreacher?' Leo asked, doubling in laughter.

'Yes, and I would prefer if you didn't talk about my house elf like that.' Regulus replied curtly. As much as she loves her crew mates, the deep feeling that Reg had for elf would remain strong.
It was him, after all, who brewed countless Sleeping Draughts after her brother had left. It was the house elf which fixed her many wounds after being victim of the torture her parents had enacted.
He was the only loyal one besides her that knew the truth of what really happened in the cave. And he was the only one that knew what happened to her.

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿 | 𝗽𝗷𝗼 𝘅 𝗵𝗽Where stories live. Discover now