"But if my past did not affect me, we would not cross paths. I will not have a chance to meet you, a legendary vampire that walks in golden armour even on the hottest days," Yueru boasted, turning to meet Herbert's eyes that travelled towards the permanent fang marks on his neck. "Don't even apologize about it. My father drained and starved you, and you were smart enough to take me as your first meal. For someone who teased me about living in the past, you are one to talk. It's just one tiny bite. I am still alive."

Yueru watched the elder nod in confidence. Sure, the unending memories were overwhelming him, and he felt grateful at the moment that he was only at the age of twenty - eight. He dreaded the idea of being at Herbert's age, trying to revive all eight hundred and ninety - six years of memories. Those would be too much to bear. He still pondered the idea of him being born human. Mar Ke unfolded the fact that since it was not a part of his memory, then it would be a secret he needed to explore. An answer could be obtained easily from books or old records, but acquiring it from living beings could be more than a challenge since lies were exposed more often than the truth.

"My bite is lethal. I kept telling you to be aware when we are close. Even now," Herbert warned. "Your father did the right thing to imprison me. I do wonder if my life would end peacefully if I never escaped the prisons made to cage me in. Sometimes, one can only wonder about the endless possibilities that might be unpleasant to the mind. My legend is now a myth. Only you would believe it. Every mirror has an unreadable reflection, Yueru, including me. Even at times, I am afraid of my potential."

"But I am not, Fletcher. You need to trust yourself a little more, just like how I am willing to put my life before yours at fleeting moments," Yueru assured, palms reaching out to settle on Herbert's cold ones before they were pulled away hastily. "You are afraid of yourself even when the world opens itself to you."

"Yes, I am, little prince. Because when the world willingly accepts your presence, it often signifies your next bloodbath. It's toying with you so that you will finally course around its grasp," Herbert spoke, standing up from his spot and brushing the tiny bits of grass stuck on his pants. "The world sits at the edge of a predator's mouth and it will crumble anytime it rolls off the uncertain edge."

It did not take long for Herbert to depart from the spot they had promised to gather that morning. Yueru knew from day one that Herbert was someone who is reserved. When he first met Herbert, Yueru was thrilled to have company, but when he found that the elder preferred to be alone with his sisters, he felt as if there was something Herbert was masking behind the childish behaviour he had. Chidish might not be the right word, yet it was one Yueru could use when he spotted Herbert craving for attention from Melia who had been busy. He even overheard Elvia reading a story to him when they spend the night in the garden. His personality confused him. Despite what he saw and heard, Herbert had his ferocious and vigilant side exposed at most times. His heightened senses almost kill him once when Yueru decided to sneak on the elder. Even so, Herbert's peculiarity exhilarated him.

Herbert had his trust broken multiple times by people he cares about. Don't mistake his coldness for his ignorance. He has a heart bigger than anyone I know.

If there were veracity buried beneath Melia's words, Yueru swore he could discern them slowly.

When Yueru spent his first few days as a hybrid in Harl recuperating, he found a hand-written book in the libraries about Herbert, well-known as the Golden Hands during the 1600s. The memoir was incomplete, not because the story was inconclusive. He recalled the neat cursive writings that turned into scribbles, allowing him to predict that it was too harrowing to be inscribed. Often, Yueru wanted to pry into Herbert's past not to be a nosy person, but to learn and understand him, yet he knew that Herbert would ignore him just like he just always did.

Perhaps when he returned to Harl, he would be able to get all the clandestine stories. 

Word Count: 1548 words

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Word Count: 1548 words

Cumulative Word Count: 6209 words

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