chapter 17:flamboyant springs

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As they got to the hot springs, they went their separate ways.
Giyu was the first to get in the hot water, then he heard a voice.


He turn around and saw Tengen.
(Boy he lucky )
Tengen went closer to Giyu and put his arm around his shoulder.
The two started to speak.

(Font for Giyu
Font for Tengen)

"What do you want Uzui?"

"Please call me Tengen but come on and talk to me"

"Why should i?"

"It has been awhile, and besides I miss talking to you. Remember thenfirst time you were with me and the girls?"

"That night where you kidnapped me?"

"You were drunk on Sanemi's blood"

"His blood is a rare type!!"

"Come on, you love our time together since I got you back to the head quarters"

" remember the conversation"


"Can't you go any slower!?"

"Relax messy, the faster I go the faster we arrive to the head quarters "

"I'm surprised you ain't killing me on the spot"

"How could I not? You basically killed a moon, your basically on harshia level now"

"What's so great about killing one demon, you people do it all the time"

"True true but some of the moons have standed longer before we were born, and yet they've killed many of innocents"

"Hmm, I see. Suma is nice"

"Yeah, she may be a crybaby but she's has a good heart. But I have to love them all equally or else things will get off track"

"Hmm, interesting"

Silence fill the two atmosphere.

"So, you and your sister... how long have you two been together?"

"Hmp, long enough to see to person she grew up now, and I'm proud"

"Heh, thank you. You know your the first demon I've ever met the hasn't eaten a single flesh"

"Ohh... I feel like I ain't the first but I thank you"

"You don't have to keep that mask since your with me"

"What mask?"

"Your hiding your true feelings, people do that these days it gets unsettling "

"How do you know-"

"OH look we're here"

End of Flash back

"You've never answered my question back then"


"What are you hiding under that mask?"

".... heh... never thought anyone else nlknew about it. Only the girls know but not Renguko"

"Oh, I guess I'm here for you now"

"I guess it's time for another to know under my flashy aura"

Tengen started to explain his origins, how his father was kinda like Renguko's father but way worse, he had siblings and he cherished them.
But when the trading started, he never wanted to remember the noises of the pain of his laye siblings.

When the final battle came, he unlive his siblings. Only one survived but he never heard from him again.
And for the rest of his life he's been hiding under the flashy personality he's been wear ever since.

When Tengen was finish with the story, Giyu's eyes had widen. Uzui is just the same as him and Shinobu, but with another attitude, a flashy and proud one.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, i..."

Giyu was interrupted by Tengen giving a French kiss.

Meanwhile in another springs


"Something wrong Tanjiro?"

"I feel the urge to head bud again"

"Aww fire flowers. This can't be good"

Back with the dudes

Giyu pulled away to catch some breath, blushing over the heat of the springs and the newly kiss of the taller one.

"I..I can't"


"There's too many hearts, I can't take them all, I'm so sorry"

"Shh shhh, devil doll please calm down. I'm sure you can figure out something"

"Heh, your right thanks Tengen"

Silence fills the air once again, giyu now comfortable with the formal shinobi, he feels like he's with a version of himself.

"Now let's me tell you secret"


"You know I love Mitsuri, I protect her from any harm even if that means sacrificing my life"


"We're thick as blood, idk who these are but we're glen and Glenda but...



End of chapter 17

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