chapter 9:behind the painted faces

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It was an godly full moon where its light spreads around. It was calm one to say the least but it sounds like our two main harshias for today are Muichiro and Giyu. They were at an little pound located next to the mist estate then Muichiro speaked to break the silence.

Muichiro:can you do that thing again please, yuu yuu?


Muichiro:yea, I wanna feel water me.

Giyu:alrighty then

Giyu slightly scratch his arm and let his blood drip out into the pound, making it follow his command. 

Giyu rise up his arm and concentrate on the picture of Muichiro.  An watery arm came out and then an whole torso. Then it finally turned into a mirror reflection of Muichiro.  The clone done nothing but stood there but one thing was different was that it had an angry face it was still cute. Muichiro walk up to it and hugged again.
Giyu saw this almost a million times but this time felt different.  He heard the sniffles of the shorter male that streams of tears coming out his eyes.

Giyu:Muichiro, are you okay?



Muichiro:I finally remembered. It feels so... clear and yet memorizing. I-I.... I-I

Muichiro then started to break down. Saying stuff about his.... older brother, parents you know all the basic things that denon slayers loses before coming one. Giyu then came in and tried to calm down the male. The young mist harshia might be an stone faced, mature child (most of the time) but then again, you can't bottled up your feelings forever. (Try me bish)

Muichiro:it's all my fault

Giyu:shhh, shhh, shhh. It's gonna be okay Mui. It ain't your fault. He wouldn't like to see you like this. He'll want you to be happy and have a good future, and I'm with you. I lost my older sibling and bow the weight is on my shoulders.

Muichiro:*whines* I want my watermelon lover


Genya who ran out from a bush:Baby cloud!! Are you okay!?

Muichiro:gen gen!

Muichiro then proceeds to let his arms out and ran to Genya for a hug.

Muichiro:h-how did you I-I was crying? stomach told me.

Muichiro:hugz for the tum tum.

Genya's thoughts:sooo cuuutteee!

Giyu in da background:...... wtf am I witnessing?!

Sanemi:Genya ya little sh** where the f**k did you go- !?

Genya and Muichiro:.......

Muichiro:..... my property's.

Sanemi:*cracks knuckles* you wanna f**king die?!

Giyu:you wanna try and hurt my friend you worn treasure map

Sanemi:oh you finally talked you black head mop up demon

Giyu:psychopath snowglob

Sanemi:emo wanna be in a relationship!

Giyu:scared up body loser

Sanemi:emo b**ch boy

Giyu:I'll show you a b**ch boy.

Muichiro and Genya in the Background:

Genya and Muichiro:.....

Muichiro:does your family have a type?

Genya:wait wha-

Giyu:mommy's boi sexy hail a$$ bitch

Sanemi:mother f**king cute short bish.

Giyu & Sanemi: ...... *kiss*

Genya & Muichiro:



Yep, sanemi was kissing da demon. The thing he is suppose to kill, but the only thing he's killing is 'em lips. Õ3Õ

Genya:and I thought we were bad

Muichiro:we could do better! wanna go out and eat some watermelon at my place?

Muichiro:*eyes sparkled* yea yea

Genya grabs Muichiro's hand and they walk off happily meanwhile....
Their still at it.
Yeah no joke and I'm literally talking to you.


Few minutes later

Finally they stop. Giyu having bite marks all over his lips was trying to catch sum air.
(Ayo Giyu I thought you were the one biting.)
Meanwhile Sanemi was licking his lips with a crazed smirk.

Sanemi:same time next week?

Giyu:you handsome tornado

Sanemi:smooth but deadly demon

Giyu:mark up hottie

Sanemi:baby blue b**ch

Giyu:you son of a hunk-


Giyu:hmp, one more?

Sanemi:*rolls eyes*

They kissed once more till they part their ways. Giyu who is gonna get tease by Mitsuri and Sanemi probably gonna get attack cause....
Ya know.


Meanwhile Genya and Muichiro was happily eating watermelons in the moonlight.  Genya stealing sum cute looks, saw Muichiro's face becoming a chipmunk's face, he decided to pinch one of them to see his reaction.  Of course it was adorable.

Muichiro blushed a little and kissed one of Genya chipmunk's cheek and giggled lightly.

End of chapter

(Yea yea, all you shippers out there. The final ship finally happened. Hurray!!

Have a good night or day or afternoon.

Bai Bai.

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