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Today was the day. Today was final selection, Mitsuri was pump up. Her body is well rested and her sword is ready to slay. She packed extra rice balls, and fruit for in case. And Giyu was trying his best to stay calm and quiet.
She walk to the starting point and waited for everyone to come.
As it got pack, the selection had began.

She ran towards a demon that was obviously of her presence. As she jump into the air, neck was now slit off.

1 down, 6 more to go. As she continues to look for demons, her stomach growled. She hoped up a tree and took out a rice ball.

Mitsuri:it's okay to come out oni-chan. It's night time

As Giyu rose up, he looked like a six year old. The crimson red hoari was big on him. Mitsuri laughed and the two began to speak to one and another.

Giyu:you should be more stealthy and lock on one place.

Mitsuri:I'll try Giyu

Giyu:you better do more slaying. The sooner the quicker you won't face any injuries.

Mitsuri:alright alright Giyu. Now back in the box or else I won't give you your favorite meat.

The older brother hmped and went back inside the box. Mitsuri jump off the tree and listened for any noises of the demon in the ground she's in.

She heard a crunching sound coming from the trees ahead. As she tip toed to the noise, she saw a demon feasting on a arm. She jumped to the a tree and got ready to attack. As she lock on the neck she went down in rapid speed she got the head off just in time.

2 down, 5 more to go.

She looked up and saw the sun piercing down at her. She smiled and welcome the sun to this land and decided to get some rest.

She went by a willow tree and satted there. She plopped down Giyu on the ground and ask him to look out for her.
He nodded and kept a low cover.

As the day went out, Mitsuri got her energy back and started to look for water since she use it all. As she found a river, she look both ways till splashing herself with it. Her hair was wet and cooled off and drank of the water. She felt calm and satisfied as a memory pop into her mind, when she was little she'll always watch her parents do a nice dance. With her mother bend her back and the father hold her if she fell.
She tried to do it with Giyu but it'll always failed.
As she got into the real world, she noticed it was now night time. She got up and look for any demons around. She walk on a dirt path till she saw a one eye demon staring right at her. She clutched her sword and began to battle the demon. As she dodge all of the attacks, she couldn't get the neck but instead the arms.
She was bout to get back stap (literally) till Giyu steps in and steps on the head down to the ground.

She got a second break as she calm down.

3 down now 4 more to go.

She got up and walked. She ate another rice ball for calming since eating is one of the many ways to calm her down.
She heard another demon and ran towards it.

The demon had scales and was bout to attack another person that looked close to her age. She charged at it till the neck was gone.

The other person:hmp, I could've done it myself.

Mitsuri rolled her eyes as she was almost half was done.

(Cheer her up guys, give her ya energy)

4 down now three to go to.

As she walk away, she saw another rise.

Looks like she had plans to sleep. As she went to a nice Rock and looked at the sky once more. Just a few more and she'll be done.
As she drifted her eyes shut, time went by fast.

(Time skip cause I'm lazy Ť<Ť)

As Mitsuri walk into the heart of the forest, her box shaked and she looked both ways till she opened it.
She knocked on it with a melody that only a person with the right set of ears could repeat.
As she finish it, it opened from the inside and Giyu came out.

Mitsuri:you doing okay oni-chan?

Giyu:yes I am, but is there like any animal nearby?

Mitsuri:no sadly, but don't worry! I just need 3 more till we be gone. Why don't you stretch your leg eh?


As two walk, the saw two demons up ahead and decided to get it.
As Mitsuri walk to them from behind Giyu was bait since he looked more human than demon.
As he got their attention, the two got their claws out and charge at him but Mitsuri got them both and now their only one way from a ticket that got their name on it and said to get out of there.

As she was determined to find another demon, she heard screams from a miles.
As she ran to the noise she was interrupted by another demon. It looked more like the very first demon she slayed.
But this one was stronger. It had multiple eyes but a small waist. As Mitsuri dodge and dodge, she was dripping sweat. Giyu was trying to help but couldn't figure out his demon blood art.

As she felt the sun rising and try to keep up with her. As she got the neck, the demon was now in ashes.
As she claim victorious, she looked at Giyu who was in the shade of a tree. She sighed in relief and got out the box.
As she walk to the path of the up coming shrine. She saw a few other slayers but now she finally became an official

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