chapter 12:family

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As Renguko runs to his house with a happy smile while Giyu is just sitting on his shoulder with an umbrella over him, the two made it.
The estate was.... nice. As Renguko let Giyu get off his shoulder he hadda tell the rules.

Renguko:before we go in, can you....

Giyu:yes, yes I can

Giyu's horns retracted back to the his noggin while he covered his eye with his long hair.

Giyu:it can go for an hour or two but you shouldn't push this luck

Renguko: no chances needed!

As the two walk in, Renguko Yelled with excitement.

Renguko:family! I have returned!

Senjiro:h-hello brother, welcome back-! You brought someone?

Renguko:Indeed, this my "friend" Giyu. They're the water of the soft rain!




Giyu:am I seeing things or is this just the introverted version of you?


Giyu:though I do admit I do like your brother, he seems quite mature. 

Senjiro:oh. Thank you

Giyu:hmp, he reminds me of my kids now.

Giyu then walk up and patted his head.

Giyu:what's your name litte sun?

Senjiro:I'm Senjiro, the youngest of the Renguko family......


Kyojuro:shall I show you around?

Giyu:....I think I'll find out of my own but for now I'm comfortable where I am right now

Shinjuro:Who the f*squeaky duck sounds* is making that racket!?

Kyojuro:God dam it

Shinjuro:who the f*** r you and why you in my house

Giyu:I was invited here by your oldest son here and-

Shinjuro:oh great, you finally found yourself a woman Kyojuro. Great your no longer a Virgin.

Giyu:wait what

Senjiro:what's a virgin?

Kyojuro:Father! Senjiro is here and no, they're just visiting and I think we should have dinner! Cause I already bought food.

Giyu:how did you-

*foods randomly appears*

Senjiro:is there any treats I can have?

Giyu:I'll give you my pudding later, k kid?


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