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I look at the clock again. Another hour just went by and nothing new. I look out of the window but I can't see anything.
,,We should be out there." Sarah stops next to me.
,,I wanted to go, but you stopped me." I remind her. After the last phone call from Kiara, I was ready to go after them, but Sarah didn't think it was a good idea.
,,I.. I know." she looks down.
,,I know it's hard sitting her and doing nothing, but what if they are okey and we would run into my mum? They can be just lost and fine." she adds.
,,You are my only family, Sarah." I look at her.
,,The only people who actually care about me and love me. Four of you are out there and I am here... waiting in safety." I shake my head.
,,I should have gone with them." I state.
,,We didn't know she stole a gun. It was supposed to be a fiding mission only. No harm." she reminds me why I stay here. I couldn't leave Sarah alone here.
,,They are going to walk through that door anytime." Sarah turns to the door.
,,You have to believe that." she adds and I nod.
,,Anytime." I repeat.


,,JJ!" Pope shouts and run to him.
,,This is not over." Kate says and runs away holding her bleeding shoulder.

I put my hands down waiting for JJ to show up so I could see with my own eyes he's okey.
,,You good?" John B asks me. I nod and look up at him.
,,C'mon." we go few steps forward before John B runs to JJ who just stepped around the tree with Pope. Unharmed.

They almost crush into each other in hug. I just look at them still holding the gun in my right hand squeezing it.
,,Where's Kie!?" JJ steps back and looks at John B and then Pope.

They turn at me, but I am looking only at JJ.
,,Oh my God!" he runs to me.
,,Are you ok.." he stops when he looks me up and down and notices the gun in my hand. He find my eyes.
,,Did you..." he starts but stops when he sees my face in shock.
,,Hey." he takes the gun from me and throws it away. He places his hands on my shoulders.
,,Breath." he says.
,,Breath, baby... breath." and I do. I take a sharp breath and then let it go. I close my eyes when JJ nudges me forward and hugs me. I place my hands on his back slowly trying not to cry.
,,Are you okey?" I whisper.
,,Yeah, I'm alright." he buries his head into the crook of my neck.
,,I.. I thought I lost you again." he presses me even closer.
,,I'm okey." I state.
,,We are all okey." I say it more to me than to him.

Another two pair of arms goes around the both of us.
,,We are the Pogues. No one can kill us." John B says and we stay like this for a little longer.

When we let go, JJ takes out his phone and turns it off. I raise my eyebrows and look at John B.
,,He's joking right?" I shake my head in disbelief.
,,You fucking kidding me, man!?" John B says to JJ who looks at us confused.
,,What?" he asks.
,,We tried to call you! We didn't know if you are still alive and you..." John B starts.
,,It was you!? It started to ring and she almost found us!" JJ frowns.
,,It was an unknown number." Pope states.
,,I lost my phone and we had to borrow one!" I explain.
,,Well, I wouldn't call that borrowing but.." John B chuckles. I look at him.
,,I apologized!" I roll my eyes.
,,You didn't." John B shakes his head.
,,What are you talking about?" Pope looks between us.
,,We found a motel, so I suggested to knock and borrow a phone. However, the lady was little confused and had many question so Kiara here barged into her apartment and just took the phone." John B starts to laugh. I don't.
,,You what?" Pope asks and they look at me.
,,What? We were getting out of time!" I defend myself again.
,,You found a way out and then you came back!?" JJ shouts at us and then takes a deep breath.
,,Did you learn nothing?" he frowns at me.
,,You were still here!" I shout back and look  from him to Pope.
,,And Pogues never leave a Pogue behind!" I add.
,,She's right this time." John B nods.
,,And if we didn't, you would be dead." JB adds and looks at JJ.
,,You and your fucking plans, JJ!" I shake my head.
,,You really want to talk about plans, Carrera?" he raises his eyebrows at me.
,,The last one when you faked your death was the best one yet!" he adds. I don't say anything at that.
,,We should go." I say finally and I step back from them.

We find a way back to my cabin around half past four thanks to JJ's phone.
,,Finally!" JJ says and opens the doors.

,,Thank you, God!" someone says and before we know it, we are overwhelmed with hugs from everyone.
,,I'm going to kill you." Kyle says before he hugs me as the last one.
,,Get in line." I say.
,,But it's a long line, just FYI." I add.
,,Anyway, I know you want to know what happened but can we talk about it in the morning?" I ask and he nods.
,,Well, we have only two more spare bedrooms, so..." Kyle looks at the Pogues.
,,They can take mine too." I interupt him so he looks back at me.
,,I'm gonna go sleep next door." I give him a pointed look.
,,Night." I say and leave our cabin, but Kyle follows after me.
,,Hey!" I stop and turn around.
,,You okey?" he asks me. I sigh and look up.
,,I'm just tired, Kyle." I say finally.
,,I can see that." he steps closer.
,,I know the face you have on and I don't like it one bit." he shakes his head.
,,I'm trying Kyle." I state and leave him.


I wait for her to go inside the Finnley's cabin before I go back to ours.
,,Everything alright?" Rikey asks. It's only her and the Pogues here anymore.
,,No." I sigh and look down.
,,I can't... I know the face she has on since she came back." I look up again and lean against the kitchen counter.
,,I already buried my parents." I state.
,,I am worried... about her." I look at the Pogues.
,,You know I like you guys. I don't have anything against any one of you. I really don't. I also get you. I know what she did wasn't okey and you are allowed to feel mad at her." I look at every one of them.
,,But she's my sister and I love her no matter what she pulls off. She's my little sister and I won't bury her for real this time. I can't. And the last time she had this look on her face? She tried to kill herself. Even she knows it and I just hope she won't give up this time, but this is not helping her." I look down again.
,,I'm not asking for you to forgive her. Quite the opposite, I am asking you to decide. If you can't forgive her, let her go. I would prefer for you to forgive her, don't get me wrong, but I know it's not easy just to pick one side. Forgive or leave her. I know that, but I have to ask you, because she won't. You are her family just as much as us. You were there for her when I wasn't. When our parents wasn't. After Rafe... I know for a fact you saved her from deep shit, so I get why she has the face. She's spinning. She can't imagine a world without you. Not after everything she lost. And she lost a lot even if you don't see that. But she can't hold onto hope forever. Hope is dangerous thing and I am worried if she holds onto it long enough, it will crush her. So please, please decide if you want to try to forgive her or you already know you can't." I look back at them. I can't see it's hard for them to hear this.
,,Stay and try, or leave." I step closer to them.
,,I know Kylie loves you too, so.. I'm not asking to leave us all, because you will be always part of this family, but leave her." I smile sadly.
,,All I can tell you know is that she loves you so much. She would die for you and no one could stop her." I finish my speach and tell them which rooms are empty before me and Riley go to ours

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