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,,You must be joking." I say when we get out of the motorcycle in front of John B's house.
,,I have to know other opinions!" he grabs my hand and we go to the porch, where all four of them sit.
,,Hey." Sarah greats us when she notices us.
,,Didn't think I see you here tonight!" she states.
,,JJ's being ridiculous again." I cross my arms.
,,And that's new for you?" Pope chuckles.
,,Alright, I just have to know." he point his finger at me.
,,Did you notices something weird?" he asks.
,,I swear to God, you are dead mam walking, J." I roll my eyes.
,,Shut up, wasn't talking to you." he looks at the Pogues and waits for an answer.
,,I mean, Kie looks great." Sarah points out.
,,Oh, just wait for it, sister." I comment ironicaly.
,,When she doesn't, right?" John B says and I clap with him.
,,Thanks." I say.
,,Just remember that, when I need something." he winks at me.
,,Thought so." I nod.
,,I mean, she looks the same to me. Haven't seen that outfit, but yeah." Pope shrugs.
,,Told you." I look at JJ, who shakes his head.
,,So what's so weird?" Cleo asks confused.
,,Wait for it." I say.
,,Her hair are weird! She has it straighen! That's weird." JJ points out and I roll my eyes again before I sit down.
,,Oh yeah!" the boys nods at the same time.
,,Right?" JJ says.
,,They didn't even noticed, J!" I state the facts.
,,Well, they are stupid so don't blame them." he sits down next to John B.
,,They are the stupid ones? Really? We had 20 minutes conversation about it before we could leave my bedroom!" I remind him.
,,You what?" Sarah burst into laughter.
,,Hey, we weren't talking only about that so don't exaggerate!" he says.
,,Yeah, sorry, we were also talking about how you called me an asshole, almost forgot that part!" I remind him.
,,You called me dumbass before that so." he shrugs.
,,I can't with you two." John B starts to laugh also and Pope and Cleo joins soon after that.
,,You should film a reality show about you!" Sarah suggest.
,,I don't think I want to film me murdering someone." I smile at JJ.
,,As if." he rolls his eyes.
,,Don't say I didn't warn you." I say.
,,Hey, I gave you oreo!" he reminds me.
,,Not enought as you see." I chuckle.
,,Remember that for next tim." he nods.
,,Tell me you didn't argue all night." Sarah asks when she calms down.
,,We didn't." I say.
,,Well, there's hope for you after all then." she smiles.
,,Yeah, listen to her." JJ nods at Sarah.
,,As if." I chuckle.
,,Anyway, the hair will be the same tomorrow or?" JJ starts again. I grab an empty beer can and throw it at him, but he catches it.
,,I take that as a yes." he nods.
,,Just shup so we don't have to hide a body tonight." John B suggest.
,,Yeah, listen to him." I copy his previous sentence.
,,Wait, you would help her hide my body? You are my best friend! You would have to call the police and get me justice!" JJ looks at JB.
,,I would totally understand why Kie did it, so of course I would help her." he corrects him.
,,Ha." I wink at JJ.
,,Someone reasonable." I add and look at John B. JJ gives a look at everybody else.
,,She's just as annoying as I am, just so you know!" JJ says, I chuckle.

I don't have a chance to say something because we all see a light. I turn around and realize it's from a motorcycle who just stop by. We exhange a look and get up to see who is it.

We all stop next to each other when we see Rafe. JJ grabs my hand imediatelly and stands slightly in front of me.
,,Thought I find you all here." he says.
,,Don't worry, came here to warn you that's all." he doesn't even get off the bike.
,,A little birdy told me that Luke knows about Malia and that she isn't his. He also knows that Hannah is at your house, so... I might go check on that. Or maybe he comes here after because he also knows you knew." I break out of JJ's grip and go back inside to grab my kyes. They all stay outside. I hear them talking, but I zone it out.

When I find my kyes I take them and head to my car. I bypass them all and when they notice that they start to catch up with me.
,,Where are you going?" JJ closes my door I just opened. I open them again.
,,My parents are home." I say and get in. I start the engine while JJ looks at the others, then he quickly gets into my car. The others start to move to the Twinkie but I drive away before they start the car.

,,You shouldn't go there, Kie. We should call the police instead." he suggest.
,,Yeah, do that, but I am not waiting." I say. He sighs but calls the police and explain the situation.

We get to my house by the time he hangs up. I get out of the car and when I am closing my door I hear a gunshot.

I don't think twice even though I should and run to the house.
,,Kie!" I hear after me from more than JJ, but he's the one who catches up with me first. He's too slow to stop me entering the house thought.

I hear anothe gunshot, but JJ makes me duck before the bullet could hit either of us.
,,Fuck. Kiara! JJ! Are you okey!?" my dad rushes to us. The Pogues shows behind us.

I exchange a look with JJ first to look him up and down to see if he's okey. He is, so I turn to my dad who's holding the gun.
,,I'm so sorry, I thought you're... somebody else." he says.
,,We heard." JJ says because I am not capleable to speak. I am to shocked.
,,Hey, are you okey? You are shaking." JJ points out so I look back at him, but I still don't say anything. He hugs me instead of asking anything else.
,,You're okey." he whispers and I slowly nod.
,,You're okey." he repeats. I don't know if to assure me or him.

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