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I go after her, but she doesn't care. She doesn't stop.
,,Kie." I say, but she pretends not to hear me.
,,Kiara." I say a little louder. She stops. So do I.
,,Shit, I am sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice." I sigh.
,,I just.. I am worried, okey." I take a step closer to her, she still back to me.
,,I don't care about my birthday, I care about you, you know that." I say.
,,At least I hope you do." I take another step.
,,I don't... it's your day, okey, today is your day." she says, but doesn't turn around. I know what she's doing. I do it after what my dad always did to me.
,,Whose day would be tomorrow?" I ask her.
,,Or the next day you still won't want to tell me and pretend you are okey." I say, might it's kind of harsh, but it's better if she talks about it and not bottle it up in her. Her heads falls down.
,,Please talk to me, not because I want but because you need to." I ask her. Her hand flies up to her face, I can tell she's crying.

I don't saying anything else. I take the few last steps, I turn her around and hug her. Her arms wrap around my waist. I press her closer to me as her sobs gets louder. She doesn't say anything, which is fine, because at least she lets it out this way. I don't care how much I want to know, how much I want to kill Rafe for even looking in her direction, I care about her and support her the way she needs, not what I need or the rest of the Pogues.

I'm done with this shit about not talking to her. I am done, I don't even need an explanation. I know her and she would never did anything to hurt us. I trust her and I don't know why I didn't realize this till this moment. I guess because I can feel she trusts me too.

,,You don't have to tell me if that's what you need, but when you decide that, don't about how I would feel or anyone else. If you want to tell me, just know I am here to listen to you." I kiss her on top of her head to reassure her of my words.
,,I am always here to listen." I whisper and hug her tighter.

We stand like this for a little longer, but she backs away and wipes her tears with her hands.
,,Thanks, J. I needed that." she looks up.
,,I needed you." she smiles a little.
,,Anytime." I smile at her too.

,,Want to talk about it or not?" I ask her. She looks down on her feat.
,,I guess, but I also wanted this evening not be about Rafe. I wanted to have fun with my friends." she admits.
,,What if you tell us and we get drunk so you can have both." I offer.
,,You promise?" she looks back into my eyes.
,,Promise." I nod. She nods too and we head back to the porch.

Everyone turn around when they hear us coming. Sarah steps away from John B and looks down, so we couldn't see she was crying.
,,I am so sorry. Sarah told us the reason why you lied to us." John B say and go hug Kie immediately.
,,So I am the only one who doesn't know?" I ask even though it's a fact.
,,If you opened the envelope, you would have known first." Kie looks back at me little more happy.
,,So I was right when I asked you if it's about me." I raise my eyebrows.
,,What? When?" Pope asks me. I turn around out of words.
,,Yup." Kie says.
,,You talked to her behind our backs?" John B asks now. I look at him.
,,Kind of." I shrug and sit down.
,,He figured before you guys." Sarah states and sits down too.
,,Thanks, Sarah, I was hoping we wouldn't have to mention that." I smile at her ironically.
,,When?" Pope asks again.
,,A day before you did." Kie says.
,,Thanks again." I look at her and she's smiling.
,,Why didn't you tell us?" JB asks. Why are they asking so many question? I feel like I am being interrogated.
,,You wanna answer that one too?" I look up at Kie.
,,I ask him not to." she admits.
,,Three times." Sarah adds. I shoot her a death stare.
,,That's just great." Pope leans back into his seat.
,,I didn't tell so we didn't stop talking, which happened anyway." I say for my defense.
,,And I told him not to tell you after so you wouldn't be mad at him too." Kie adds.
,,I mean.. why are you keep adding to the fire?" I ask her now.
,,Sorry." she says, but I know she doesn't mean that. Which is fine, she can tell them anything, if she keeps smiling like that and forgets at least for a minute what happened earlier tonight.
,,It's ironic, really." John B starts to laugh. I raise my eyebrows at him. Pope and Cleo starts to laugh too.
,,Why are you three laughing?" I scan all three of them confused.
,,Maybe you should open the envelope already." Kie suggests.
,,Why? It would ruin your fun." I say kind of mad I am out of this and grab the envelope from the table.

I tear it and take out the piece of paper inside. I unfold it and start to read.

There are exactly two words that stuck in my mind in repeat.


Paid back.

I blankly stare at the paper, I don't even read it anymore. I just stare at it and try to process it in my mind.

She paid for my restitution. Why would she do that? Where did she get the money? Why would she do that!? It wasn't her problem. I would never ask her for money. Never, ever. Why!? It was my fucking problem!

,,Look at him, trying not to be angry." Sarah's voice gets me out of my process to early. I shoot her another death stare.
,,I told you, you gonna be mad, didn't I?" she looks up, but I don't follow her gaze. I don't even have to. She's define tally looking at Kie, which I can not do right now. I would probably kiss her and then yell at her for doing this stupid shit. First of all, I can't kiss her in front of them, second of all, it wasn't her problem, it was mine and it cost her so much.

,,I also told you I am very looking forward to it." she smiles from ear to ear.

,,I gotta tell you something, I have never though about hitting a girl until now, so.. shut up." I say ironically.
,,Oh you wouldn't, we all know it, but good one, JJ." she winks at me and I frown at her.

,,That's all you gonna say anyway?" she asks. I look back down on the paper.
,,Can you get the money back?" I ask Kie but I don't look at her.
,,Nope, I made sure of that." she answers me. I sigh and close my eyes.
,,You should have use the money for something else, Kie, not for fixing my problems I created by myself." I shake my head.
,,Oh c'mon, what about some yelling and then hugging? I expected more from you, JJ." Sarah comments again.
,,I swear to you Sarah." I give her a look.
,,Tsss." she shakes her head.
,,I contributed too, you know. Just a little bit I earned in Wreck, but I still deserves a little bit of more emotions from you." she rolls her eyes.
,,And you give me none." she adds actually offended.
,,You want that punch?" I smile at her sarcastically. She rolls her eyes again.

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