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We clean the porch when the girls drive away. After that we sit down with a beer and joint which we exchange every other minute.
,,So, you haven't answer the question." John B says. I raise my eyebrows at him.
,,When did this started? I had no idea." he asks.
,,Well, we kind of kissed in Kingstone, but then it was weird and we haven't talked about it for a month. Then we got into a fight and we cleared shit up, so technicaly more than two months and practicaly a month." I explain.
,,We are not offical, anyway." I add.
,,Oh, sorry." he chuckles.
,,It's fine, I don't care, I don't want to rush it." I explain again.
,,Got you." he nods with a smile.
,,I have never though that one you actually get a relationship for more that a day. Definetally not with Kie of all people." he chuckles. I roll my eyes at that but doesn't comment. I said goodbye to good old JJ back in Kingstone.
,,What do we do about Pope? One of you have to apologize and I have a feeling it's not gonna be him." he takes a sip of his beer and waits for my answer.
,,I won't apologize for punching him. I was defending Kie, he should say sorry first, than I might consider it too." I shoot him a look.
,,Look, I don't really know what happened with Pope and Kiara when we were gone with Sarah, but he's hurt that she didn't chose him. I don't think he should have called her slut..." I frown at him.
,,Man, you want some punch too?" I ask him angry again.
,,I didn't say it to her!" he reminds.
,,You don't have to repeat it either." I advise to him.
,,Okey, sorry. He shouldn't have called her that, but I get why he got so angry." he says.
,,I won't appologize for falling for her, if anything, he should understand that, because he was in my shoes." I state.
,,He might still be in your shoes, it's not that long ago when they ended it." he shrugs.
,,Can we talk about anything else? I am tired of this shit." I finish my beer and we change subject to our missing parents who are not missing anymore.



,,I mean, WOW." Sarah sits on my bed.
,,I still can't believe I was right!" she smiles at me.
,,So, is he a good kisser?" she asks. I roll my eyes.
,,Or better yet, and I am not angry or anything, who's the best kisser of them all?" she smiles even more and waits for my answer.
,,Really? After what happened you ask me that?" I raise my eyebrows and sit next to her.
,,I want to know!" she chuckles.
,,Don't answering that!" I shake my head, but the answer would be JJ.
,,So it's your curent boyfriend, got ya." she winks at me.
,,He's not my boyfriend. Officialy." I correct her.
,,So he is the best kisser!" she shouts. I roll my eyes.
,,It's interesting like you two only take a part of what I am actually saying." I state. She shrugs.
,,And, it's just a detail with the boyfriend thing. It won't take much longer for you to make it offical, right? The Pogues already knows what's up, so nothing really stopping you now." she states.
,,I guess." I shrug.
,,It has been a month since we kind of started this thing between us. More than two months from our first kiss, so." I shrug again.
,,Aahhhh!" she squikes.
,,We should wait till Pope cools down." I add.
,,Don't want to add salt into his wound." I give her a look.
,,This shouldn't be about him. It's about you and JJ, don't think always about others first. You have to be selfish sometimes and take what makes you happy!" she sends me a kiss.
,,We'll see." I nod.
,,Also, my psychotic ex is coming back, which should be fun when he finds out." I shake my head.
,,I think he still believes we are meant for each other." I add.
,,JJ can handle himself against him." she reminds me.
,,I can't, Sarah, I think we established that." I look down.
,,He won't get any closer to you, we make sure of that." she squeezes my hand.
,,What about you? What do we do?" I ask her.
,,How do we protect you from your family? Ward wants you back and he'll do anything to achive that." I remind her.
,,We think of something." she smiles like she isn't worried about that even a little.
,,You have to be carefull." I squeeze her hand back.
,,I will." she smiles and then we watch Netflix for hours till we fall asleep.


The next day, I skip school without telling the Pogues. I stay home sick, but when Sarah's leaves I go with Caleb to pick Rafe in prison, so we would make sure he doesn't bolt from the surgery.

,,My own welcome wagon!" Rafe says when he sees us.
,,Don't try anything or I actually kill you this time around." Cabe warns him and all three of us get into car.
,,So, what did I miss?" Rafe asks but we ignore his questions all the way to the hospital.

When we get there, we wait on the reception. Unfortunately, we run into Pope. He exchanges a look between us and then snorts.
,,Back to Cameron I see. Didn't take you long." he bypass us with this words and gets out.
,,What was that about?" Cabe asks and looks after him.
,,Nothing." I lie and we wait for a doctor.


Kie isn't in school today. Neither is Pope. At least not for the first period. He shows up on the second one. When he sees us in the hallway, he goes directly to us.

I exchange a look with John B, ready for anything.
,,Where's Kiara?" he asks when he notices she's not with us.
,,Sick." Sarah answers. He chuckles.
,,Oh, sure." he laughs.
,,That's why was she in the hospital! Oh, wait, but she wasn't there because of her." he shakes his head. We raise an eyebrows at him confused.
,,What are you talking about?" I ask.
,,Funny you ask, you should keep a close eye on your girlfried whereabouts, that would made it harder for her to cheat on you." he states. What the hell is he on about?
,,What are you saying, Pope?" Sarah asks.
,,Ask your brother." he says still looking at Sarah.
,,Why would I..." she stops short.
,,He's still in prison, right?" she asks instead.
,,He looked pretty free standing next to her in the hospital." Pope shakes his head. I frown at him.
,,And you couldn't just say that? What if he does anything to her, hm? I hope you would be happy with yourself then." I stalk away and call her right away on my way out.

,,Pope told you, I see." she says.
,,You okey?" I ask before I start to yell at her for not telling us and lying she's sick.
,,Calab's with us. I'm okey." she answers.
,,Why the fuck didn't you tell us what are you doing?" I ask but trying not to yell.
,,For safety reasons." she says.
,,Tell them, I say hi." I hear Rafe's voice over the phone.
,,I'm on my way." I hang up before she can sent me to hell.

Kie: Don't come, J!

Me: I'm coming.

She doesn't respond again. The Pogues catch up with me and we drive there together.

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