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,,Did you took him!?" I ask the second he picks up the phone.
,,Hello, Kie. Nice to hear from you! Oh I am great, thanks for asking, how are you?" he says instead and I swear if he was here I would kill him.
,,Pissed off that's how am I doing. I asked you a question and you better answer it!" I say irritated. I don't have time for him.
,,Alright, I bite. Who did we took exactly? And who are we?" I can hear him smiling like this is all a joke.
,,JJ. Someone took him like 5 minutes ago and my money are on you and Ward!" I say because I am sure it was them.
,,And why would we take your boyfriend?" he asks kind of mad.
,,You tell me! To exchange him for Sarah? I don't know how your sick mind works!" I shout at him.
,,Okey. We didn't take him. Ward has other things to worry about right now than Sarah so she's safe with you for now. And little advice for next time, don't insult anyone who you think took something for you and you want it back. They may just not do that out of spite." he says.
,,Bye bye now, Kie. See ya around." Rafe hangs up the phone before I can insult and yell at him some more.

,,So?" I recognize Sarah's voice behind me, so I turn around.
,,He says Ward has something else to worry about right now that getting you back and so they did not take JJ." I say.
,,And you believe that?" John B asks.
,,Till I don't see JJ with my own eyes, I don't believe anything Rafe has to say." I admit.
,,Okey, let's say he's telling the truth, who else would take JJ? And why?" Cleo asks the questions we are all wondering.
,,Riley?" Sarah asks.
,,Or Luke." I state.
,,I wouldn't put it pass Rafe just yet." Pope adds.
,,Might have been the people who are after that heeling bandana we hidden." John B offers another guess.
,,Great. Anyone else?" I ask.
,,For now I don't think so." Pope shakes his head.
,,Okey, we should split up and look into everyone we just mention." John B decides.
,,Great. Split up again, look how that worked out last time." I comment with a fake smile.
,,Hey, it's not my fault, okey!" he defendes himself. I would say something else but Sarah stands between us.
,,Alright, it's no one's fault and arguing about it doesn't help JJ either, so... we split up and check the people who might have a motive to take him." she decides and give us all a look.
,,Great. So me and John B go to check Rafe and Riley. Pope and Cleo..." I interupt her.
,,I take Luke. That asshole has is coming for a long time." I say and get in my car before they can protest.

I head to JJ's house quickly. I park the car and go inside. I don't bother to ring the bell.
,,Look who it is!" Luke is lying on the sofa very drunk.
,,Is he hear!?" I ask him immediately.
,,Who? Oh, JJ?" he smiles and stands up.
,,He might." he nods and chuckle before he finishes the beer in his hand.

I hear door creak behind me so I turn around to see JJ standing in the doorway to his room.
,,J!" I go to him. He gives me a terrified look. He's covered in blood.
,,C'mon." I support him and lead him to my car.
,,What the fuck are you doing here?" he asks but I can see he's hurt to yell at me now.
,,Be quiet. Safe your energy." I sit him in the passanger seat and buckle him up.
,,I'll be right back." I say and close the door before he realize what that means. I lock the car so he wouldn't get out and go back inside.

Luke's too drunk to care I took JJ away from him. But he looks as hell suprised I came back.
,,You piece of shit." I punch him into the face. He's so drunk he almost falls down.
,,You touch him one more time and we will have a problem! You understand that!?" I punch him again. He tries to fight back but he misses.
,,You bitch! How dare you to come to my hause and..." I interupt him.
,,You know exactly why I am here! I'm not JJ, he won't go to the police because somehow he still loves you and believes you might change, but both of us know that will never happen! I will go to the police if you even look at him one more time!" I turn around but his words stops me.
,,With what proof!? And he would never forgive you!" he says. I turn around and punch him again. My knuckles gets bloody, but I don't care.
,,You think you are so smart and you can do whatever you want, right?" I step closer to him so he would hear me clearly.
,,You are an abusive addict and I am a Kook. They will trust me, our friends will testify that. You would be done and I would make sure you would rot in the prison, so don't fuking test me how far I am wiling to go to protect him! You understand that!?" I ask, but he smiles. I shake my head and punch him again, he punches me back this time but that doesn't stop me. I shake it off and punch him harder. He falls down on the sofe. I lean closer.
,,You understand!?" I repeat my question.
,,Yes." he finally says.
,,Good." I punch him once more time. On my way out I grab all his pills which are lying around and flush them in the drain.
,,Don't test me, Luke! I don't care if he would hate me. I'll do it." with these words I leave the house slaming the door behind me.

JJ is still trying to get out of the car when I get closer. I unlock it and get inside.
,,What the hell!? What the fuck were you thinking going there alone!?" he asks mad.

I ignore him and take out my phone from my pocket instead. I text the rest I found JJ and we are heading back to John B's.

,,Did you went willingly?" I ask him calmly. He doesn't say anything, but I still have my answer. Figured.
,,Key." I start the car and drive away. When I look to the back mirror he grabs my face and makes me look at him.
,,He hurt you?" he whispers in shock and looks at my cheek. I flinch away and pay attention to the road. I don't talk to him all the way back becuase how mad I am and he stops trying to talk to me half way.

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