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"Late again, (y/n).", my teacher ridicules me as I trudge into the classroom, feeling extremely tired and irritable.

After yesterday's incident, Mya went home instead of sleeping over. She wanted to stay but I insisted that she left, because I could see how terrified she was and figured she wouldn't get any sleep anyway.

I also got no sleep. I stayed up all night just thinking. It was around 2am when I impulsively went outside, and moved all of the rocks that were arranged into my initial back into their original position.

I still haven't had a physical breakdown about it, I haven't cried or anything. But I feel an emotional breakdown coming, and school today might just push me over the edge.

"You think I don't know that? I can tell the time.", I answer back, a few of my classmates stifling laughs.

"We're not going to have another problem, are we (y/n)?", the teacher says. This is the same teacher who I bumped into all those weeks ago, the one with the papers on the floor.

"Not unless you create one.", I roll my eyes and walk over to my seat next to Mya, slumping into my chair with a sigh.

"Get out of my classroom. I'll speak to you in a detention after school today.", he speaks in a monotone voice.

"No you won't.", I shrug, standing up again. "I was only late! You're acting like I've murdered someone!"

"Ironic choice of words. Didn't you nearly get killed?", a sickly sweet voice comes from behind me.

"Shut the fuck up Lani.", I respond without even turning to face her.

"(y/n), go wait outside. I'll speak to you in a moment."

"You're not even gonna say anything to her?", I challenge.

"No, I'm talking to you. Leave now please."

"Fuck you.", I open the door and walk out, wanting to slam it behind me but deciding against it.

I begin walking down the empty hall, feeling the anger within me expanding by the second. I nearly trip over a bin which is jutting out into the walkway, it makes that large, metallic sound as it makes contact with the floor, so I kick it further harshly infront of me.

Behind me, I hear a door open and then close momentarily after. There's footsteps, but I just keep walking.

That is, until I feel a hand on my shoulder. Instinctively, I slap the hand away and turn around quickly.

"What happened?", Rintarou's deadpan voice asks me.

"Nothing happened. I just got out of class early."

He looks around, seeing that we're the only ones in the corridor. "Just you?"

"Mhm.", I turn away and start to walk off, but he catches up with me and walks beside me.

"Was it your teacher?"

"Yeah, I was late and he wasn't happy."

"Well, y'know what they're like. Especially him, he's so-"

"You're giving me a headache.", I cut him off before he starts rambling.

"Oh. Sorry."

"I'm going home now. So you can go back to class."

"Oh I'm not going back. I was gonna spark up."


"You wanna come? I don't wanna leave you alone."

"Not really."

"Or, we could leave and go somewhere else?"

"I have to stay in school, my attendance is in the drain."

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