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"Hey pretty girl, you ready?", Suna comes up to me and hugs me from behind.

"Get off me you're sweaty.", I push him away gently.

"You're so mean to me.", he pouts and takes my hand as we leave the school building.

"Of course."

We get to the car park and he points out a black Audi with its headlights on, illuminating the raindrops falling in the light's path. "That's my Mum's car, lets go."

"Wait- does she even know I'm coming with? Does she even know who I am?"

"I texted her this morning, and I told her about you before we even got together for real."


He opens the door for me and I get into the car, he sits next to me in the backseat. I can feel myself getting more nervous by the second, and it doesn't help when Suna's Mum speaks to me when I'm halfway through worrying.

"You must be (y/n)?", she says and starts the car engine.

"Yeah.", I manage not to let my voice break.

"I've heard a lot about you. Good things of course. Now, I've got 2 questions.", she states and I feel my body tense up.

"Don't scare her.", Rintarou interjects.

"Oh be quiet Rintarou, I'm not gonna interrogate her. (y/n), do you want to stop at your house to pick up some things, since you're staying the night?"

"If its not too much hassle, then yeah please."

"Its no problem, just lead the way. My second question is...what would you like for dinner?"

She's harmless. So cute.

"I don't mind, its completely up to you."

I can't just go demanding within the first 10 minutes of meeting her, I can't go demanding at all.

"Well, Rintarou said he wanted (choose a meal), does that sound ok?"

"That's fine, thank you.", I reply, still nervous as Rintarou puts his hand on my thigh.

We continue driving for around 15 minutes, and arrive at my house. I step out of the car and inform Mrs Suna that I'll only be 5 minutes maximum. Then I ascend the steps infront of my house and unlock the door frantically, trying to not get drenched in the rain.

"Mum?", I half yell as I take off my school shoes and walk down the hall.

"In my bedroom!", her voice comes from upstairs.

I clamber up the stairs and push the door open to my Mum's bedroom, seeing her applying the finishing touches to her makeup. Her suitcase is by her bed all ready to go, and she's dressed in a casual outfit that seems comfortable enough to wear on a plane.

"I'm spending the night at Rin's, is that ok?"

"Yes that's fine, come here then so I can say goodbye."

I leave the doorway and actually step into her room, feeling her soft carpeted floor on my feet. She stands up from the grey dressing table and opens her arms for me to give her a hug.

"I'll miss you.", I say whilst in her embrace.

"I'll be back soon, stay out of trouble for me, okay?"

"No promises."

She flicks my forehead and says goodbye, then I leave to my own room in order to get a bag ready.

suna pov-

The first thing my Mum said to me when (y/n) left to get her things was, "Polite, she's very polite. Very pretty too."

ᴏᴘᴘᴏsɪᴛᴇs ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ- ʀɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ sᴜɴᴀМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя