A Boxing Thrill #4: Making A Choice

Start from the beginning

Donghae glared at him. "I could say the same for you. With all your flirting and playing around, is that how you court a girl?" He turned to me. "Why exactly do you even like this guy?"

"Because you're both attractive as hell, damn it!" I exploded, then felt myself burning with embarrassment. I did not just say that!

They looked stunned for a moment, then Donghae rubbed his neck with a shy smile while Eunhyuk smirked. Someone please, send help. My pulse was going a mile a minute because of them both!

I watched blankly as they glared at each other, then looked at me.

"You're gonna have to choose."

"W-what?" I stammered like a fool. Everything's happening too fast! How do they even expect me to do that?!

"If not?" Donghae looked at me like I was stupid. "I'm not just letting you have a happy ending with this guy without even fighting."

"Same goes for me." Eunhyuk declared. "It doesn't look like you can make a choice now, so let's do this. You go on a few dates with each of us, then you decide. Sound good?"

"Call." Donghae agreed instantly.

Heck, I can't deal with this! "Hell no!"

I turned to run but Donghae caught me by the wrist, making me turn back to look at him. "Woah, are you just running away after that kiss?"

"You mean this?" Before I could respond, Eunhyuk pulled me to him, grabbed my face and kissed me smack on the lips. When he pulled away, my hand flew to my mouth. I just stood there with wide eyes while he smirked at Donghae. "There. Now we're both at the starting line."

What. In the world. JUST HAPPENED?

"You douchebag son of a-"

I ran, all the way up the stairs to the class. I begged Siwon not to let any of those two come after me. I heard their footsteps nearing me and zipped back down, hastily grabbing my stuff from the lockers and rushing out the door.


"You two come back here right now!"

Oh, thank GOD. I'd definitely be treating Siwon to a meal next week.

My cheeks were burning as I drove home. What is happening to my life? I just got kissed by two guys in one day!

When Ryeowook found out, he cackled so loudly I thought I felt the universe shake. "What a show! Do it, noona. Choose. I wanted Donghae hyung to be my brother-in-law, but Eunhyuk hyung's okay too. Either of them will do. I'm not giving you my blessing if it's someone else. I'll make sure you guys break up."

I gaped at him, horrified. There was a look of pure evil on his face.

"You little satan!"

The next week at the gym

"No. No, no no. No, you told me they won't be here today!" I tried to break free from Siwon who was dragging me from the stairs back to the training area.

I can't believe he lied to me! I'd skipped the first session this week and deliberately avoided contact with the two guys, hoping I wouldn't have to face them yet. But he texted me saying that they wouldn't be here today, so I decided to come.

Turns out it was a big fat lie, because the moment I reached the top of the stairs, I saw the two hot damn bitches standing right there! I quickly turned to leave before they could see me, but Choi Siwon wasn't having it.

"I really didn't pin you as a liar, coach Choi!" I squealed in a panic when he tightened his grip on my arms. They're going to see me! Why's he so strong, damn it?!

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