A Boxing Thrill #5 Ending 2: Hyukjae

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Corrine's pov:

Sunday, 11pm.


Dang, this kid is as loud as a pterodactyl! I resentfully clapped my hands over my ears as my little brother bellowed from his seat. Ugh, I can never comprehend how someone's voice can be so loud. At this rate, people won't even need ears to hear him! Many heads turned to look at him, including Hyukjae whom the ring announcer had just introduced to the crowd.

A mischievous smirk spread onto his face as he acknowledged Ryeowook, then morphed into a thoughtful look of surprise as his eyes fell on me.

He only invited Ryeowook to his boxing match, since both he and Donghae had agreed not to arrange any outings with me until I decided between them. He definitely needs to know why I'm here today and I'm about to make it very, very clear. But not just yet. I was just about to flash him a smile when the announcer introduced his opponent, which ended our silent exchange as he turned back to the crowd.

He looked stunning just standing there, radiating ambition and dignity. I could tell that my unannounced appearance had pulled his focus off a little, but he recovered very quickly. In a matter of seconds, he looked just as confident and driven as before. It made me relieved that I didn't become a source of distraction... but also made me want him even more. He's a man of determination, which just makes him even more attractive.

It was an intense and tight match, and I could hardly take my eyes off him. He was amazing, speedily blocking attacks and strategically landing powerful strikes that threw his opponent off balance. The match ended off with a tie, and I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that he only had minor bruises and cuts. Injuries were inevitable in combat sports, so mild ones were always a sign of strength between two competitors. Well, talk about a capable man! He's certainly one of the most interesting ones I've come across.

The triumphant smile on his face was stiff as the crowd cheered for the two. As I watched him closely, I slowly understood — he wasn't satisfied with the result. As much as he was a man of drive and tenacity, deep down he was laid-back and didn't deem success in his career significant in comparison to the finer things in life. So I knew there had to be something deeper beneath his dissatisfaction.

I decided to give him some space and sent Ryeowook off before looking for him in the locker room at about 2am. The match only lasted for an hour and a half, so he was the only one left there by the time I arrived. He was sitting on one of the benches, his back facing me as I entered. Hmm, looks like he could use some company.

"Hey." I announced as I walked up to him.

He swiveled around and stood up once he saw me, holding my gaze as he walked towards me. "Oh, hey." I don't know how but I can tell my presence has already lifted his mood, and I am beyond glad to see that. "I didn't expect to see you here today."

I smiled, trying to compose myself as I took in the sight of his beautiful face. "Well, I'm glad I came. Or I wouldn't have witnessed our champion's moves today."

He planted his hands on his hips, releasing a sigh. "I made a promise to my sister that I'd win this match and I broke it. Doesn't sound becoming of a champion."

So that's what it is... The thought of how soft-hearted he was made my heart melt. I shook my head softly and stepped forward, caressing him as I placed my hand on his arm. "You gave your best, and that's what matters. You are a champion... and a very gorgeous one, at that."

His tongue rolled across his bottom lip. Dear, he needs to stop doing that because it feels like he's tempting me to do something. "You came here just to tell me that?"

Imagines with D&EOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora