16| Chance

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Memories are burdens that weigh down your mind; they won't allow you to move forward unless you leave someone behind. 

(adj.) completely overcome with emotion 

June 16, 2020 

"I don't want you to go." 

If getting down on my knees and begging like a slave is what it'll take for her to miraculously stay, I would do it. No questions asked. 

Callista has been a constant in my life all these years and now that I'm presented with the reality of her leaving right before my face, denial is a luxury I don't have anymore. 

"I don't want me to leave either." she whispers back, looking back at me with the saddest of smiles. 

Then don't, I wish I could say. But I know it's out of the question. 

Smiles are supposed to express happiness. I never thought a smile could ever look this sorrowful, this heartbreaking. My heart is slowly but surely cracking. 

I can't imagine walking back from school and not being welcomed by those toothy smiles. By those vibrant eyes that made me believe in magic — because that's what they personified, — magic in its purest form. Emerald, crystalline magic that captivated me. 

Her gaze is spellbinding. 

So are her smiles. 

And her lips. 

I feel my heart lurch in my chest. 

I can't be having these thoughts about her. Callista Azalea Willow is my best friend, period. I'm not going to ruin what we have over some stupid, hormonal thoughts. 

"I'll always remember you, Chance, no matter which part of the world I'm in," she says when I stay quiet for too long. Then a wry lilt enters her tone, "Don't go all emo on me now. I know you hate the sappy shit as much as me so we can skip that part." 

I glance nervously behind, paranoid of someone deciding to take a detour and wander here — specifically my parents or hers. 

I love my parents to death, but they're overbearing to the point of exhaustion sometimes. Last month, they finally sat me down and told me not to socialize with the family next door.

That's, like, eight years too late.

Callista already told me about her father's dislike for mine all those years ago, and since my father hadn't mentioned anything about it until last month, I didn't pluck up the balls to ask him myself either.

Seeing him openly acknowledge it now was strange, but meh. 

Dad was holding some business event at home today and how Marcel Huxley of all people managed to get his family on the invitation list, I don't know; but judging by the harsh look on my father's face and a subtle smugness on the latter's, I gathered that it wasn't anything good. 

I might have given more than half a shit if Callista wasn't at the forefront of my mind. 

At least his actions mean I have her for the evening before she leaves. 

Despite myself, I smirk a little. "I don't know, I think you'd enjoy the sight of my bawling my eyes out." 

"Don't." She knocks her shoulder against mine, and I tighten my hold around the railing to not go splat on the ground. "I don't like seeing you sad." 

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