"i-i'm fine, renjun..." jeno sighed. "thank you for being here for me... i'm sorry i'm always fucking things up..."

"hey, don't say that, you're not fucking things up. it's just that... you're..."

"powerless?" jeno inquired, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

"no, that's not what i wanted to say."

"sure, but that's what i am." jeno replied with a loud sigh.

"jeno, you know that- "

"it's the fourth time this month someone tries hooking with me or whatever. and i would have gotten harassed a few times if you hadn't intervened." the korean male listed, looking down at his shorter boyfriend. "renjun, just admit it, i am powerless."

"i assure you you're not." renjun state, intertwining his and jeno's hands to reassure him. "it's just that we are in a shitty world, and sadly, we can't do anything about it."

jeno huffed, tightening his grip on renjun's hand and pulling the boy in a hug.

"sometimes, i wish i wasn't tall and muscular..." he spoke in a low voice. "if only i could be short and have a tiny frame... at least people wouldn't be taking me like an easy prey anymore..."

renjun sighed, getting on his tip toes to kiss the corner of his boyfriend's mouth. "i'm sorry you're feeling like this, jeno... i promise we'll find something to help you feel less powerless..."

"where the hell is lot 123?!" a woman exclaimed, making the whole group of workers around flinch. "the auction is in tomorrow and it disappeared again!"

the workers all looked around and then back at the lady before shrugging and going back to organising the room for the auction that would take place 24 hours from there. however, it seemed like the woman had other plans.

"oh my god, what is even lot 123?" she tsked, pulling by the shirt one of the workers that was passing by with a block of paper. "give me the fucking list." she spat, pulling the block of paper from his hands and flipping through the pages as the speed of light. "121... 122... 123! oh god, of course it's that thing!" she rolled her eyes as she threw the block of paper back to the worker before sending him to his previous occupations in a not-so-polite way.

the lady walked around the room, looking at each and every corner and not hesitating to push the people that could be in her way.

"mrs cho!" a voice rang around the auction room, making the awful woman turn around on her high heels and frow. "i think i found who you were looking for!" the employee explained, running towards the woman, a white rabbit in his arms.

"where did that thing hide again?" she sighed, her face contorting with disgust as she eyed the white animal that was trembling in the employee's hands.

"i found him behind the- "

"yeah, doesn't matter." the woman rolled her eyes. "give me that thing and go back to work. i want everything to be perfect."

without a warning, mrs cho grabbed the rabbit by his ears, making him whine and squeak in pain. not giving it any thought, she headed to her office where she locked the door and let the rabbit fall to the floor before crossing her arms over her chest.

"transform, you useless thing." she spat, looking at the frightened creature.

as if knowing how awful she could be, the rabbit obliged, morphing into a tall boy in a matter of seconds.

"why the hell did you escape again?" mrs cho asked, no ounce of sympathy in her voice.

"i-i d-don't want t-to be s-sold..." the boy answered, his two fluffy white rabbit ears falling down on his head.

"and i don't care. you are lot 123 and that's final." the woman replied. "you know how important this auction is for me, i swear that if you make everything fail i'm killing you with my bare hands."

the bunny boy's eyes widened as he crawled backwards as if to get further away from that mad woman.

"filthy hybrid..." she tsked. "i don't know why i still haven't gotten rid of you jamon."

"j-jaemin..." the bunny hybrid corrected her shyly.

"i don't care!" mrs cho yelled immediately, frightening the boy even more.

she hadn't always been like that. apparently, she used to be a nice and respectable woman when she had married jaemin's dad – well, that is what his dad had told him. however, she had changed completely after learning that her husband had had a mistress – jaemin's mother, even though the hybrid had never really met her.

jaemin was born of a secret union between his father, a rich and recognised man, and a hybrid which had caught his eye long ago. unfortunately, as his mother got pregnant and gave birth to him, she realised quickly that she couldn't afford the cost of a baby, and that she wouldn't be able to grant him a nice life. that is why his father promised to take care of him and give him the life he could never have. as they couldn't have children, he convinced his wife to adopt this poor hybrid without a family, and so, ryuwon accepted, treating the hybrid as a member of their family – sadly, not as a son, because just like rich people, she felt a certain disgust towards hybrid creatures.

everything seemed to go perfectly fine in their 'family' until jaemin's father was diagnosed with a severe disease, and blood tests revealed that jaemin was indeed the son of ryuwon's husband and a hybrid. ryuwon and her husband's relationship when downhill from that point, and so until the man's death from his disease a month prior. following this event, ryuwon decided to erase everything that reminded her of him from his life, thus changing her name back to cho, and organising a giant auction during which she would sell all of the man's assets to anyone who wanted them – and this included jaemin, the hybrid she had never liked.

"you better go back to your cage and not get out again, understood?" she spoke, glaring at the boy that reminded her of her traitor of a husband.

"y-yes..." jaemin stuttered, standing up and dusting off his pants quickly before taking slow steps towards the door that the woman had pulled open.

carefully, jaemin walked in front of her, keeping his attention on her because he never knew what she could do to him. he wasn't stupid, he knew how much she despised him. she had always, even when she didn't know that he was her husband's illegitimate son.

"someone better buy you tomorrow..." she muttered, hate hearable in her voice. "i set the price really high, because i need compensation of all the burden you caused me."

"a-and..." jaemin gulped, a tiny bit of hope in his eyes. "i-if nobody b-buys me...?"

mrs cho scoffed, raising a brow and almost smiling at that statement.

"then, i won't hesitate throwing you to the first hobo i'll find."

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