04: Out of Fantasy

Start from the beginning

The thunderclaps had finally stopped, and it turned silent. Eislyn, who had buried herself with the blanket, popped out her head. She wasn't anticipating seeing anything unusual and only intended to go upstairs to look at the current situation outside. Though, against her expectations, her eyes instantly landed on the dark storage box, currently releasing a glow strong enough to seep through the box explicitly.

It was bizarre as the light wasn't previously there, and she was positive that there wasn't an object inside the box that could emit light—let alone powerful light—because the box was stored with her old personal things she no longer used, so she knew what was inside.

"This is really a mystery. Should I check the source or pretend I can't see it?"

Eislyn stared at the glowing box with no fear expressed on her face. An average person might freak out when encountering a spooky case like this, but it was different for Eislyn, who wasn't afraid of anything supernatural. She was more curious about the source of the light. What was inside the box that could give out a light she didn't know? There should only be books and papers inside that box.

On the flip side, there was a saying that went: 'Curiosity killed the cat.'

She had seen enough shows to know that nothing good would come from it if she attempted to satisfy her curiosity about something as strange as this. Two possibilities could occur right now, and they were:

1. Open the lid to look at the root of this event and clear up her curiosity, but something ill-fated might befall her as a repercussion.

2. Ignore and continue with her day, and pray for the light to disappear by itself.

The latter was safer and sounded more logical to do, and that was what Eislyn intended to do. She turned away from the box and prepared to walk up the staircase—or she wished she had done that. Instead, her body rotated, and she ran up to the glowing box and lifted the lid open.

Curse her, for she could not resist herself and gave in to the temptation. She wanted to know so badly.

She moved the lid away from the box to look inside, and in the blink of an eye, she felt herself being pulled into the box before she had a chance to look at the culprit. Any tint of darkness wasn't found, and her vision was washed in white before she lost consciousness.

The next thing she knew, she had come around in a completely different setting from her basement. She was lying in the grass surrounded by wildflowers, and her hand was above her face to shield her eyes from the sun.

It was a wholly independent existence outside of the universe where Earth was.

This world she was now in was called...


She remembered now.

Before she came to Earth, she was from Avalan, where it was fundamentally different; this world was built with magic, and advanced technology was unheard of. Her memories of Avalan were recovered once she returned to this place. She had been lying in the grass for a while, processing everything in her head.

How did she manage to get back? For what reason and...how did she end up on Earth in the first place?

The cause of her return was highly likely the suspicious light in the box because that was the last thing she saw before she landed here. The timing was too coincidental for it not to be. Unfortunately, she didn't see the source of the light; if she had, perhaps she would've found out the exact reason.

As for being on Earth, an entire existence she didn't know of before, she didn't know what brought her there, but she recollected the final moment she had in Avalan.

She died.

Eislyn heaved a sigh; to think that she had died. If only she could've died more heroically, like in those shows she was watching where people witnessing the hero's death would mourn and give their respect. However, her death experience was not as exciting.

It was totally not satisfying at all!

She lightly slapped both her cheeks to shake off her thoughts. Since she was back, what should she do?

Oddly enough, the colours of her hair and eyes had swapped: black eyes and red hair. She originally had red eyes and black hair. Her body itself wasn't the same despite the similar traits because she was a lot older and taller when she died.

She was a new person, and considering it was like that, she should just throw away her previous identity since it would bring her nothing good out of it anyway.

If anything, it was too heavy. She didn't know if it was a good idea to go back. It would be easier to abandon her past. No one would know.

She could start with a clean slate, and a change was as good as a rest; she wouldn't need to take any responsibilities if she didn't have any from the get-go. It also allowed her to do whatever she wanted and follow her desires.

The idea was enticing.

But first, what she would need to do was...

"You better sit still and wait! Do something suspicious, and your head will fly off, understand?!"

The vulgar voice broke her train of thought, and she perked up her ears. It sounded like it came from behind the hill.


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