Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Ellie's POV

I groaned, slowly opening my eyes, groggily blinking, trying to get my eyes to focus. Only, when they did, I saw a...metal roof? What? Where am I? Am I dead? No, that can't be it. I looked around more, am I inside the cornucopia?

Then, the smell of smoke hit my nose, the warm lighting and crackling of a fire.

I then noticed how soft the ground is, which it wouldn't normally be. I turned my head, the sound of material underneath me. Is this a sleeping bag? When did we get one of these?

I groaned lowly, moving around a bit, despite how my body ached and protested. Even though it was aching, I then took notice of one major thing, how I felt. I didn't feel nearly as bad as I did when I passed out. My head had stopped spinning, my headache was gone. And, on top of it all, my leg wasn't hurting.

Wait. My leg isn't hurting.

Before I could try and sit up, I heard walking, me quickly shutting my eyes. I heard the footsteps slightly echoing in the empty cornucopia, them getting closer to me. I kept my cool just in case it isn't who I think it is.

I could slightly feel the vibrations of the footsteps, my hand touching the ground. I could hear the footsteps, they were now right next to me, them coming to a halt. I tried to act natural, my heart racing in my chest.

I heard the person move, I'm guessing sitting down. I felt them grab my right hand (them sitting on my right side); I had to fight off the urge to flinch.

Nothing was said, just them holding my hand.

"Please..." I heard them speak up, though, the was music to my ears. "...Ellie, wake up soon." I heard her mutter quietly, "You can't die here, you need to take better care of yourself...not come galivanting off, trying to save me." She chuckled, though it sounded rather pained.

I had my head to the right, facing her, feeling her hand on my cheek, her thumb gently rubbing my cheek.

"You have to take better care of yourself, you dumbass..." She muttered, before a pained tone laced her voice, "...I still need you."

I felt my heart ache at the confession, it being enough for me to slowly open my eyes, acting as though I just woke up. I heard Clove gasp, pulling her hand away from my cheek; my eyes slowly adjusting to the minimal lighting. Once they had, I was able to make out Clove's beautiful features. I couldn't help the small smile that spread on my face upon seeing her, her snapping out of her shock.

"Ellie." She gapped quietly, bringing her hand back to my face, not saying anything for a moment. Her eyes studied me, perhaps wondering if this was real or a figment of her imagination.

I then tried to sit up, groaning, my back aching in protest, though I didn't care. I felt her hand that was on my face go to my back, giving me support, helping me sit up easier.

Once I was up, Clove engulfed me into a hug, slightly shocking me, though I didn't hesitate to hug her back.

We reveled in being in each other's embraces once more, both of us being alive and, sort of, well. I smiled, feeling her dig her face into the crook of my neck and shoulder.

"Did you miss me that much?" I joked lightly, my voice raspy, her pulling back from me, a relieved look on her face.

No words came from her, instead I felt her hand go to the back of my neck, pulling me close, our lips colliding. Oh, this feeling, how I did miss it.

I felt her soft lips on my own, desperation apparent in the kiss. I couldn't help but lean in more, my heart slightly speeding up in my chest. Eventually, we pulled back, both of us opening our eyes, a tender look in her eyes as she gazed into my own.

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